
1. Betalning
Hela resan betalas direkt vid beställning antingen via kortbetalning, swish, kortdelbetalning eller mot faktura.
Beställningen är först godkänd och slutförd när Du mottagit vårt bekräftelse SMS och en orderbekräftelse via mail.

2. Ändringar i avtalet och avbeställning
Ändring som innebär t.ex. ny avreseort, dag för avresa, längd på resan eller
ändring av resa betraktas som avbeställning och nybeställning. Varje ändring i
reseavtalet som görs av resenären blir för denne en kostnad i enlighet med de
extra kostnader vi som arrangör åsamkats. Denna kostnad är dock som lägst
300kr för en dagars resor och 500kr som lägst för weekend resor.

4. Avbeställningsskydd
Avbeställningsskydd samt försäkring ingår ej i resans pris. Du kan som resenär skydda dig mot
avbeställningskostnader vid avbeställning senare än 40 dagar innan avresa,
genom att du tecknar en avbeställningsförsäkring hos ditt försäkringsbolag. Coretours har sina avbokningsregler och återbetalar enligt dessa. Du som resenär får själv kräva ditt försäkringsbolag enligt villkor. Vid annullering av resan återbetalas ej avgiften för bokningen.

5. Minimiantal deltagare
Om vi som arrangör har rimlig anledning att anta att antalet anmälningar senast 7 dagar innan avresan är mindre än nödvändigt minimiantalet för respektive resa, har vi rätt att ställa in resan alternativt ändra upphämtningsplatsen. Minimiantalet för antalet deltagare är, om inget annat anges, 60 personer per buss.

6. Namnbyte m.m.
Byte av resenär är att betrakta som avbokning och nybokning och kostnaderna härför i detta avtal blir därmed tillämpliga. Kunden ansvarar för samtliga kostnader som föreligger till ändringen.

Utöver Coretours avgift så kan ytterligare kostnader tillkomma på grund av partners och underleverantörers särskilda villkor avseende den eller de tjänster som berörs.

Coretours biljetter är personliga. Tillträde nekas om biljettens namn inte överensstämmer med visad legitimation.

7. Force majeure
Bolaget ansvarar inte för omständigheter utanför Bolagets kontroll. Sålunda är bolaget befriat från skyldighet att fullgöra sin del av avtalet och från skyldighet att erlägga skadestånd av vad slag vara må för den händelse att Bolagets åtaganden inte alls eller endast till onormalt hög kostnad kan fullgöras på grund av omständighet utanför Bolagets kontroll. Sådana omständigheter utgör exempelvis krig, upplopp, blockad, eldsvåda, epedemi, pandemi, strejk, blockad, fel eller försening från underleverantörer eller samarbetspartners, handels- eller valutarestriktioner, ingrepp av myndigheter eller liknande omständigheter som Bolaget inte råder över och heller inte kunnat förutse.

8. Friskrivning
Coretours ansvarar ej för skada som drabbar kunden och/eller
resenär och som beror på förhållanden utanför Coretours kontroll.
Inte heller ansvarar Coretours för eventuella skador som beror på
underleverantör som Coretours anlitat för att utföra tjänst som ingår
i paketarrangemanget. Kundens eller resenärens eventuella anspråk skall i
sådant fall riktas direkt mot berörd underleverantör.

Efter att Coretours levererat resan från punkt A till punkt B enligt överenskommelse så övergår allt ansvar till kunden och Coretours ansvarar ej för händelser och skador som inträffar utanför bussen, eventet, festivalen, färjan eller någon annan form av område som Coretours passerar/stannar vid under resan.

9. Pass & Visum
Du som resenär ansvarar själv för att ditt pass är giltigt och att dina
visumhandlingar är i ordning och giltiga. Många länder kräver att passets
giltighetstid skall vara upp till 6 månader efter planerad hemresa. Är ditt pass
trasigt eller saknar sidor kan det betyda förbud att resa in i landet. Många
länder kräver också att minst ett uppslag i passet är tomt (för stämpling och
visering). Kontrollera med respektive lands ambassad vad som krävs för inresa.

Från och med 00:00 den 4 Januari 2016 så är det obligatoriskt att medtaga PASS för alla resenärer. Enligt lagändringen så måste vi kunna styrka och identifiera våra resenärers medborgarskap det är ej möjligt med vanliga ID-kort. För att förtydliga, innehaver du ej med PASS till bussen så kommer du nekas tillträde till bussen då vi ej kan styrka medborgarskap. Giltigt PASS gäller även för de eventuella vänner du bokat för på samma order. ID-kort, körkort och studentkort är EJ giltig legitimation för att styrka sitt medborgarskap.

Det är ett utfärdande gjort av regeringen och inget vi kan påverka.

ID kontroll görs vi påstigning av bussen och vid eventets/festivalens entre. Ogiltligt ID kort eller ogiltligt orderkvitto nekas tillträde till både bussen och entren för eventet/festivalen.

10. Tältutlåning 
Då ett resepaket även innehåller tält till utlåning som finns specificerat på produktens sida så ingår detta utan kostnad för ett standard tält mot att kund även godkänner våra avtalsvillkor som gäller för att låna tält av Coretours vilket skickas ut seperat via mail. Coretours har full rätt att neka utlåning ifall det specificerade tält avtalet ej inkommer i utsatt tid som specificeras i vårt nyhetsbrev som skickas ut innan avresa men även då avtalet är felakting i fyllt eller att Coretours befarar att risk för missbruk av tältet kan förekomma i form av skadegörelse.

11. Kontroll av färdhandlingar
Så snart orderbekräftelse och färdhandlingar erhållits är det upp till resenären
att kontrollera att inga felaktigheter förekommer i uppgifterna. Felaktigheter
måste påtalas omedelbart. För och efternamn måste vara stavat exakt som i
passet. På grund av gällande säkerhetsregler
finns annars risk att du som resenär nekas ombordstigning.

12. Priser och prisjusteringar
Prisuppgifter på hemsidan eller annan skriven marknadsföring är endast en
prisindikation och kan komma att ändras. Priset kan komma att ändras
antingen uppåt eller nedåt beroende på eventuella prisförändringar enligt de
allmänna resevillkoren.

13. Ändringar i resans genomförande
Vid ändringar i resans dagsprogram som inte Coretours kan påverka,
såsom väderlek, trafikkaos, inställda eller försenade kommunikationer, stängda
utflyktsmål eller dylikt, så medför detta normalt ingen reduktion på priset.

14. Reseförsäkring
Resenären ansvarar själv för att man har fullgod reseförsäkring under hela
resans tid.

16. Reklamation
Resenär får inte åberopa fel eller brist av ett arrangemang om inte reklamation
skriftligen skett till Coretours snarast efter det att felet eller bristen
upptäckts eller borde ha upptäckts, dock senast sju dagar efter avslutad resa.
Reklamationen skall om möjligt ske på resmålet, så att Coretours har
en möjlighet till eventuell åtgärd.

17. Tvist
Tvist i anledning av detta avtal skall avgöras av allmän domstol.

18. Skydd av personuppgifter
I samband med din registrering och beställning godkänner du som kund att vi lagrar och använder dina uppgifter i vår verksamhet för att fullfölja och tillhandahålla den vara eller tjänst du som kund önskar få levererad. Enligt PUL (personuppgiftslagen) har du rätt att få den information som vi har registrerat på dig och om du anser den vara felaktig eller irrelevant kan du begära rättelse eller borttagning ur vårt kundregister. Kontakta i så fall vår kundtjänst. Vi försäkrar även att vi inte kommer att sälja eller överlåta personuppgifter till andra företag eller personer i annat fall än där detta krävs för att fullfölja leverans.

19. Tider
Coretours förbehåller sig rätten att förändra upphämtnings- och avresetiderna innan och under resan avgång beroende på force majore och andra händelser som kan göra att vår preliminärt beräknade rutt påverkas.

20. Gränshandel
Ifall inga problem uppstår under dit- och hemresan som påverkar själva bussresan ingår även stopp i Tyskland alternativt Danmark för gränshandel. Dock förbehåller sig Coretours rätten att exkludera detta ifall komplikationer uppstår under själva bussresan som gör att tidsskillnaden blir orimlig i förhållande till vad som anses rimligt.

21. Wifi
Wifi finns tillgängligt i den mån som routern klarar av att hantera och finns monterad på bussen. Fri wifi erbjuds i Sverige och Danmark. Coretours förbehåller sig rätten att ej inkludera Wifi.

22. Upphämtning
Som angivet i både FAQ:en och i köpvillkoren / terms of right’s så är upphämtningsplatsen för respektive resor den vägadress/intressepunkt som finns angiven på resan informationsida. Coretours förbehåller sig rätten att ändra upphämtningsplats. Vid för lågt deltagande för en specifik upphämtningsplats så kan upphämtningsplatsen komma att ställas in. Coretours meddelar detta via mail i god tid innan avresa och möjlighet att byta till en annan publicerad upphämtningsplats ska ges utan extra kostnad.

Bokning av skilda upphämtningsplatser garanterar ej påstigning på samma buss. Coretours försöker alltid att lägga rutterna på ett sådant sätt att dem som bokat på samma order ska ha möjlighet att åka tillsammans men förbehåller sig rätten att det kan komma att bli olika bussar.

23. El
Det är tillåtet att utnyttja bussen eluttag ifall det ej överbelastar bussens generator. Tillgängligheten på uttag kan vara begränsad, Coretours rekommenderar därför alltid att resenärer själv tar med sig grenuttag. Coretours förbehåller sig rätten att avaktivera eluttagen ifall fara för resenärerna alternativt någon form av skada/missbruk sker.

24. Nyhetsbrev 
I samband med köp av valfri resa ifrån Coretours så förbinder sig kunden att följa informationen som därefter inkommer via vårt nyhetsbrev till kundens angivna mail vid bokning för att Coretours ska kunna fullfölja sin del av avtalet och leverera bokad resa i enlighet med det avtal som slutits mellan konsument och Coretours ifall inga andra undantag anges i villkoren. Det är Ditt eget ansvar att notera och läsa mailet alternativt höra av Dig ifall Du ej mottagit något mail senast en vecka innan avresa.

25. Fel upphämtningsplats
Coretours har rätt att neka beträdelse till bussen ifall vald upphämtningsplats ej stämmer överens vid avresa.

26. Serviceavgift
En serviceavgift på 3% tas ut för varje biljett vid betalning med Swish eller kort. För faktura och kortbetalning tillkommer ytterligare avgifter.

27. Information gällande köp av resor & biljett via Payson och Coretours
Vi erbjuder betalsättet ”Paysonfaktura” i samarbete med Payson AB.
Betalningsvillkor är 14 dagar och vid fakturaköp tillkommer en avgift på 10% av orderbleoppet. För att kunna beställa mot faktura måste Du ha fyllt 18 år och vara folkbokförd i Sverige samt godkännas i den kreditprövning som genomförs vid köpet.
Fakturan kommer att sändas separat med e-post till den e-postadress du anger vid köptillfället. Vid försenad betalning skickar vi en betalningspåminnelse varvid lagstadgad påminnelseavgift om för närvarande 60 kr tillkommer. Vi debiterar även dröjsmålsränta med 2 % per månad från fakturans förfallodag. Vid utebliven betalning lämnas ärendet till inkasso varvid lagstadgad inkassoavgift om för närvarande 160 kr tillkommer. Payson förbehåller sig rätten att i enskilt fall neka leverans och ompröva beställarens kreditvärdighet.

Information om pantsättning
Vid betalning med Paysonfaktura kommer fakturan att pantsättas till Payson och därefter till SVEA Ekonomi AB, 556489-2924.

28. Information och bilder
Vi reserverar oss mot eventuella tryckfel samt mot fel i information och specifikationer vad gäller varor och tjänster som förekommer i vårt sortiment. Om det förekommer bilder i vår webbutik, ska de inte ses som exakta avbildningar av en viss vara.

29. Personskador & Material
Alla resenärer ansvarar själv för att ha egen försäkring mot personskador som kan uppkomma före, under och efter festivalen. Coretours ansvarar ej för personliga medtagna material till bussen. Material medtas alltså på helt egen risk.

30. Vapen, Narkotika, Kontraband och Säkerhet
Medförsel av vapen, narkotika eller andra material som enligt svensk- & EU lag är olagligt leder till anmälning hos polisen och avstängning för framtida resor. Coretours ansvarar ej för material som resenär mottagit. Coretours personal har rätt att neka dig påstigning/fortsatt resa med bussen om reseledarna ej kan garantera medresenärernas säkerhet. Reseledaren har även rätt att neka resenären fortsatt resa om reseledaren bedömer resenären vara i sådant skick att denne påverkar sina medresenärer negativt.

31. Tryckfel
Vi reserverar oss för eventuella felaktigheter i form av text, pris och bild.

32. Villkors förändring
Villkoren på denna sida kan ändras utan förvarning av Coretours.

33. Back to back principen

För den händelse Coretours på grund av händelser utanför Coretours kontroll genom avtal med samarbetspartners är skyldig att acceptera villkor on ändring i eller senareläggning av resa e.d. är resenären i sin tur skyldig att godta dessa villkor utan någon rätt till ersättning.

34. Vid framflyttning av evenemang pga COVID-19 samt beslut från arrangör

Som köpare så godkänner du att evenemangets datum kan bli förlyttat från det utlovade datumet till ett annat datum i framtiden pga rådande situation. Genom att boka din order med oss så godkänner du här och med att det finns en chans att din order flyttas fram till ett annat evenemangsdatum som arrangören utannonserar.

Namnbyte är givetvis möjligt att göra om du vill överlåta biljetten till en annan person helt kostnadsfritt om evenemanget flyttas fram.

Köpvillkor Tomorrowland

Applies to Tomorrowland


1.1 Anyone entering the Festival grounds declares to have agreed to these General Terms and Conditions upon purchasing their tickets.

1.2 Anyone who fails to comply with these General Terms and Conditions may be refused admission to or ejected from the Festival grounds. The Organisation reserves the right to ban anyone who fails to comply with the General Terms and Conditions admission to the Festival for the next five years.


2.1 All visitors who present themselves to the entrance of the Festival grounds must be in the possession of a valid Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille bracelet registered in their name.

2.2 A Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille bracelet grants one (1) person admission on the day or days for which an admission ticket is purchased. Anyone in the possession of a Tomorrowland bracelet enters the Festival grounds at his/her own risk.

2.3 The minimum age for the Festival is 18 years. Any person born in 2001 will be allowed admittance, also if the age of 18 will not be reached until after the Festival. There will be no exception to this rule, not even if the person concerned is accompanied by a parent, guardian and/or other adult.

2.4 For security reasons, visitors holding a day pass or Full Madness Pass leaving the Festival grounds will not be allowed to re-enter the grounds. A Full Madness Pass will not be reactivated until the next day. For safety reasons visitors in the possession of one of the DreamVille bracelets may enter Tomorrowland until two hours before closing. Visitors can only re-enter DreamVille as from 17h00.

2.5 The Organiser reserves the right to prosecute any holder of forged Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille admission tickets or bracelets.


3.1 Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille tickets or bracelets are neither refundable nor exchangeable for another type of ticket, day or weekend.

3.2 Stolen or lost Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille bracelets will not be refunded. The visitor is responsible to take care of his own bracelet. In case the Visitor requires a new bracelet (after theft or loss) during the Festival and within the Festival area, the Organiser will provide the visitor with a new bracelet.


4.1 All registered, valid, and activated Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille bracelets must be scanned upon entering the festival grounds and/or camping grounds.

4.2 The Organiser and/or official ticket seller reserve the right to verify the identity of the festival visitors upon entering the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds. If a visitor is unable to identify him/herself, he/she will be refused admission to the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds, without any right to a refund of the admission price. Valid proofs of identity include: a valid ID, passport, or driver’s license.

The name on the proof of identity must be the same as the name in which the bracelet is registered. Copies of identity papers are not accepted. The Security Act expressly applies.

4.3 All Tomorrowland bracelets are sent by the Organiser to the shipping address entered during purchase from the beginning of July 2019. After purchase, tickets may no longer be exchanged/upgraded to another type of ticket, nor will it be possible to change the name(s) and/or address.

4.4 Lost or damaged bracelets will not be refunded. In case, for whatever reason, the Tomorrowland bracelets do not reach the shipping address, the Main Buyer, who has made the purchase, should contact the Organiser and the Organiser will provide pick-up of the bracelet at the Festival. In the latter case, the bracelet and treasure case have been shipped to Main Buyer and Main Buyer won’t be entitled to a new treasure case nor receive a refund for the Treasure Case Fee.

4.5      For tickets purchased during the Will Call sale bracelets will not be shipped. De holder of a Will Call ticket will not be entitled to a refund of the Bracelet Fee in case they don’t receive a treasure case.

4.6 Special 15th year gift in the Treasure Case – It is not possible to request a change or refund for the special 15th year gift you receive in the Treasure Case. A preference regarding the gift is given during the pre-registration by the main buyer and applies for every Treasure Case in the order.


5.1      Admission to the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds may be denied, and visitors may be ejected from the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds (without any entitlement to a refund of the admission price) if a visitor: (the following list is non-exhaustive):

  • is under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • is in the possession of or deals in drugs;
  • was previously refused admission to other events / meetings by the Organiser or other authorities;
  • shows behavior or wears clothing that is evidently aimed at disturbing the peace, provoking, or inciting to violence, hate, anger, xenophobia, race hate, etc.;
  • puts the lives of other visitors at risk;
  • is in the possession of banned objects;
  • refuses to be searched/patted down by security personnel;
  • refuses or fails to comply with the General Terms and Conditions.


6.1      Anyone in the possession of a valid Tomorrowland bracelet or special admittance voucher must have the personal bracelet or voucher validated upon entering the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds.

6.2      Visitors may be searched or patted down by security personnel before being allowed admission to Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille. Security personnel may ask ticket holders of the same sex to subject themselves to a pat down and/or search of their clothes and luggage in order to intercept banned objects. If any banned objects are found, the security personnel will be entitled to confiscate the object and to refuse the owner admission to the Festival.


7.1      Access control is in conformity with the applicable laws and is aimed at preventing weapons or hazardous substances that may disrupt the goings-on at Tomorrowland and DreamVille or put the safety of the visitors at risk.

7.2      The following items are banned from the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds:

  • Bringing your own food and drinks to Tomorrowland;
  • Bringing your own food and drinks in glass to DreamVille;
  • Drugs or other illegal mind-enhancing substances;
  • Deodorant or perfume in containers larger than 100ml
  • Any other objects (umbrellas, parasols, camera tripods, laser pens, etc. …) of which the security personnel decide that they pose a risk to the other visitors of the festival;
  • Projectiles or explosives in solid, liquid or gas form;
  • Flammable products or materials & spray cans;
  • Pyrotechnical objects (fireworks, torches, etc.);
  • Any other weapons or sharp, pointy objects (sticks, chains, knives, …);
  • Banners or items bearing discriminating and/or provocative texts or expressions that may be used in an attempt to disrupt the peace, or that may endanger the safety of the crowd and/or may cause injuries or damage to people and goods;
  • Animals (except for guide dogs);
  • Drones.

7.3      The following objects may be brought onto the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds:

  • Guide dogs for visually challenged people;
  • Bringing your own food and drinks to DreamVille only, provided they are not contained in glass.
  • The maximum amount of drinks that may be brought to DreamVille is 6 cans of alcoholic beverages (max. 50 cl per can) and 6 cans or plastic bottles of soda or energy drinks (max. 50 cl per can/plastic bottle) per person. An unlimited number of bottles of water; Only closed packages are allowed.
  • Disposable or compact photo cameras;
  • Telescopic umbrellas without pin (no parasols);
  • Plastic tarpaulins and blankets to lie/sit on;
  • Sun screen, cosmetic products, deodorant in containers of up to 100ml;
  • Refreshers / vaporizers, small bag packs and other bags.
  • Selfie-sticks which when extended are less than 1m in length and that are solely intended for photography.


8.1      Visitors to Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille are not allowed to:

  • Enter zones to which their bracelet does not allow admission (the comfort zone, press zones, backstage, front of houses, stages etc.);
  • Climb on tents, constructions, fences, light bridges, benches, or any other structures on the festival grounds;
  • Block entrances, exits and emergency exits;
  • Disguise themselves in order to make themselves unrecognizable with the intention to disturb the peace or put the safety of the other visitors at risk;
  • Sell food, drinks or other products without the express permission of the Organiser;
  • Throw or shoot objects in solid, liquid or gas form;
  • Smoke where smoking is banned;
  • Urinate in public;
  • Wear full face masks (masks, morphsuites etc.);
  • Park a vehicle without an official parking sticker issued by the Organiser. Cars may be towed at the owner’s expense;
  • Tearing down, breaking, or trashing decorations;
  • Steal decorations or any other material belonging to Tomorrowland and/or Dreamville.
  • Make fire;
  • Crowd surfing.


9.1      Wearing texts, symbols, objects, clothes and/or other (visible) external expressions explicitly representing a political, social movement, or group is prohibited. Anything that hints at discrimination, incitement, or racism is strictly prohibited.


10.1   Anyone who is present at the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds must obey the instructions and directions of the Organiser or its authorised representatives at the festival and/or camping sites at all times, in order to ensure the public order and safety during the Festival.


11.1    For safety reasons the Organiser reserves the right:

  • To interrupt or discontinue the Festival;
  • To prevent visitors at the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds from leaving the festival grounds until further notice;
  • to ask visitors to leave the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds;
  • to refuse visitors admission to the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds, even if they possess a valid admission ticket.

11.2 The Organiser may find himself forced to change or alter the Festival program. In this event the admission ticket will remain valid and no admission tickets will be refunded or exchanged.


12.1    Through these General Terms and Conditions, the Organiser informs all visitors of the fact that the Organiser collects data to prevent or detect unlawful behaviour, to protect or enforce legal rights and for security reasons. This concerns the following personal data: first name, last name, date of birth and country of residence. Where permitted by law, the Organiser may also share these personal data (first name, last name, date of birth and country of residence) to government agencies or other authorised bodies, to protect or enforce his rights or the rights of third parties, or in the detection and prevention of fraud or other crimes. These government agencies or authorized bodies may give the Organiser a negative advise concerning the access of a ticket holder. In this case the Organiser refuse a ticketholder admission to the event or evict that person from the Festival. The ticket holder will not have any right to compensation of damages.

12.2    To be able to execute your purchase, the Organizer needs to share your data with third parties. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, you explicitly give consent to share your data with the following parties for the following objectives.

12.2.1 The Organiser may share your data with the following objectives:

  • Booking of hotels, trains, busses and flights (only in case of Global Journey Packages)
  • Cashless top-ups, cashless payments at the Festival and cashless refunds
  • Check-in procedures and hospitality facilities (to make sure you find your way to your shuttle or bus, to make your festival experience easier, to help you check in to your DreamVille accommodation, the Festival or a restaurant)
  • Where permitted by law criminal records of ticket holders can be checked by the government agencies and in case of a negative advise by these government agencies, ticket holders can be blocked from the Festival. The Organiser will never get access to any criminal records nor do profiling.
  • Customer service by the Organiser and their ticket providers
  • Fulfillment and shipment of Tomorrowland Bracelet (to make sure your ticket/bracelet is sent to you)
  • Printing of among others hard tickets (only in case you receive hard tickets)
  • Reporting and statistics about visitors of het Festival
  • Security, safety and health measurements
  • Ticket and payment processing
  • Transactional e-mails by the Organiser (such as e-mails to remind you to personalize your tickets, your e-ticket, your payment confirmation)
  • Transportation to and from the Festival or to and from hotels/B&B

12.2.2 The Organiser may share your data with the following parties:

  • Booking companies
  • Cashless payments partner of the Organiser
  • Fulfillment and shipment companies
  • Hospitality staff at check-in points (among others but not limited to airports, hotels, B&B, bus stations, train stations and restaurants on site)
  • Local and federal governments
  • Mailing companies
  • Operational staff on site
  • Payment processing companies
  • Printing companies
  • Safety and health companies and staff (such as security or first aid personnel)
  • Ticket providers: Brussels Airlines and Paylogic
  • Transportation companies

12.3   By entering the Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille grounds, all visitors automatically consent to being photographed or filmed and herewith grant the Organiser permission to use and/or broadcast these digital images. The Organiser may use these digital images for promotional and/or commercial purposes related to Tomorrowland and/or DreamVille. In addition, these images may be used by commercial and/or (media) partners. Images may furthermore be recorded and stored by the police and/or Organiser for maintaining and enforcing the security on the festival grounds, and to prevent, investigate and punish crimes and breaches of the General Terms and Conditions by establishing the identity of the perpetrators using these digital images.

12.4   The Festival grounds are under camera surveillance in accordance with the Act of 21 March 2018.

12.5   All visitors are entitled to object, free of charge, to the use of their data by notifying the Organiser of their objection in writing ([email protected]). All visitors may furthermore request the Organiser in writing to change, modify or delete their personal data.

12.5.1 If the visitor who purchased the tickets (“Main Buyer”) wishes to use his right to be forgotten, he acknowledges that the Organiser can no longer fulfill his order nor give access to the Festival to anyone within the order. The Main Buyer will not be entitled to a refund.

12.5.2 If one of the personalized guests of the Main Buyer uses his right to be forgotten, he acknowledges that the Organiser can no longer fulfill this ticket nor give access to the Festival. The Main Buyer will not be entitled to a refund.

12.6 All photographs and film shot by visitors on the festival grounds may only be used for commercial or public purposes with the prior written consent of the Organiser.

12.7    Visitors of the Festival are not allowed to make or broadcast (semi) professional (livestream) video and/or audio recordings at the festival grounds without the prior written consent of the Organiser. This prohibition also applies to the use and/or publication of these (semi) professional (livestream) video and/or audio recordings after the end of the festival without the prior written consent of the Organiser.

12.8 By Purchasing Tomorrowland tickets, you expressly agree to be aware of and agree with the Tomorrowland Privacy Policy.


13.1   Recreation area ‘De Schorre’, where the Festival takes place, is located in a nature reserve. All visitors to the Festival are therefore required to cooperate with keeping the site clean and tidy, including by using the waste collection points on the festival grounds, the camping site, and the parking lots.


14.1   Tomorrowland Ticket

  • Tickets to Tomorrowland may only be purchased through the following channels: Paylogic and Brussels Airlines. Tickets may only be purchased using the link in the Tomorrowland account which provides access to the Paylogic and Brussels Airlines ticket shops. Tickets that are obtained in a different manner (either through a different channel, or by evading, in any way, the procedure prescribed in the registration link that provides access to the ticket shop) will at all times be cancelled. Do not purchase your Tomorrowland tickets through unofficial channels!
  • Tickets to Tomorrowland may only be purchased after making a Tomorrowland account on the Tomorrowland website.
  • Automated registrations are not allowed and will not be valid.
  • If the nationality you used during registration is different from the nationality you used during purchase, the change can be considered as fraud. In this case the organizer reserves the right to cancel your order.
  • Each E-ticket must be personalised. Unless otherwise stated by the Organiser, this personalisation must take place between 6 February 2019 and 24 February 2019. The Organiser has the right to cancel any tickets that are not personalized within the stipulated period and offer them for sale again. In that event the purchase price for the ticket will be refunded to the Main Buyer, after deducting the Ticket Refund Fee.
  • After personalization, the personalized guests need to create a Tomorrowland Account via my.tomorrowland.com. The purchase will only be final after all guests have created this Tomorrowland account. As the Main Buyer is responsible to personalize all tickets for people who want to attend the festival and agree with our terms and conditions and privacy policy, he is also responsible to have their confirmation to be willing to create an account. If one of the guests refuses to create a Tomorrowland account, the Organisation reserves the right to cancel his ticket. In this case, the Main Buyer will not be entitled to a refund.
  • Following the personalization period stipulated by the Organiser, the name on the ticket may no longer be changed. If the name on the bracelet/ticket does not correspond with the name on the proof of identity, the Organiser may refuse the bearer admission.
  • If bracelets cannot be delivered due to errors in the data provided during the registration and/or purchase procedure, or because the parcel for some reason cannot be delivered by mail in the country of destination, the Treasure Case Fees will not be refunded neither will the Organisation be obliged to provide a new Treasure Case. However, the Organisation will provide the Main Buyer with new bracelets at the festival site.
  • It is prohibited to trade or resell Tomorrowland tickets or bracelets in any way without the express permission of the Organiser, nor use them for commercial or promotional purposes. Admission tickets may only be exchanged via the Organiser’s official Exchange Desk. The Exchange Desk does not guarantee an exchange. Any tickets that are resold will in no event grant the original owner access. When reselling tickets through the Exchange Desk, a Ticket Refund Fee will be charged.
  • The Organiser and/or the official ticket seller reserve the right to cancel Tomorrowland tickets if it is established that the tickets were purchased illegally or fraudulently via third parties or third-party websites. All expenses relating to the cancellation will be recovered from the Main buyer. The Organisation reserves the right to take legal action or hand over the case to the relevant authorities.
  • The maximum number of tickets that may be purchased during the pre-sale period in Belgium is 5 Full Madness Passes, 5 day tickets or DreamVille Packages for 5 persons (except Friendship Packages). During the global pre-sale and World-Wide ticket sale period the maximum number of tickets that may be purchased is 4 Full Madness Passes, 4 day tickets or DreamVille Packages for 4 persons. These numbers are a maximum amount of tickets throughout the whole sale period and may not be cumulated in different sales moments. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel any order in deviation of the foregoing. In case the Organisation chooses to refund all orders or one of the orders, the Organiser will refund the Main Buyer the purchase price, after deducting the Ticket Refund Fee.
  • You can only participate with the Belgian Pre-Sale if you are a Belgian resident and you select a Belgian address as shipping address for the treasure case.
  • In case your order is cancelled before the 20thof March 2019, the Treasure Case Fee will be refunded and will not be included in the Ticket Refund Fee. In case your order is cancelled after the 20thof March 2019, we will have started preparation for shipping and your treasure case will still be shipped, therefore the Treasure Case Fee will not be refunded and thus be charged together with the Ticket Refund Fee.


15.1 DreamVille Tickets

  • DreamVille tickets can only be purchased as part of a DreamVille Package or a Global Journey Package. The DreamVille Packages combine a specific type of DreamVille accommodation with a Full Madness Regular or Comfort Pass. Global Journey Packages can be purchased in combination with a Travel package that includes one of the various DreamVille accommodations and a Full Madness Regular or Comfort Pass.
  • A DreamVille Package or Global Journey Package (including DreamVille accommodation) grants admission to DreamVille and Tomorrowland during the entire weekend. A Magnificent Greens Package is valid per PERSON and not per tent. A Magnificent Greens Tent Package, Easy Tent Package, Easy Tent Supreme Package and DreamLodge Package is valid per TENT, a Relax Room Package, Spectacular Relax Room Package, Kokono Package, Cabana Package and Ensuite Package is valid per ROOM.
  • When purchasing a Magnificent Greens Package you are guaranteed a spot on the camping site. It is not possible to book a specific spot.
  • No vehicles, motor cycles, trailers, caravans or mobile homes are allowed onto DreamVille.
  • By purchasing a ticket for a DreamVille Cabana, DreamLodge, Ensuite, Camp2Camp Friendship Area, Camp2Camp Pre-Pitched Area, Spectacular Relax Room, Supreme EasyTent, Spectacular DreamLodge, or Relax Room, Mansion, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions that apply to these accommodations.


16.1   It is prohibited to distribute flyers or hang up posters within or outside the Festival grounds during the Festival. Visitors wishing to promote their own events may put an ad in the Tomorrowland newspaper that is distributed among the visitors during the festival. For more information visit [email protected].


17.1    Tomorrowland applies a zero-tolerance policy concerning drugs.

17.2    Using, dealing in, or possession of drugs on the Festival grounds is strictly prohibited. If proof hereof is found, through strict surveillance and inspection, the person involved will be removed from the Festival grounds and denied admission for a period of 5 consecutive years.

17.3    All visitors will be given the opportunity to leave any drugs in special drug amnesty bins before entering the Festival grounds without facing any (legal) consequences.

17.4    If a visitor is prescribed certain drugs for health reasons, he/she must present a valid medical certificate before being allowed to bring the specific drugs onto the Festival grounds.

17.5    All directions and instructions given by the security personnel must be obeyed immediately. If possession of banned or dangerous weapons is suspected, the security personnel will be entitled to make a search. Refusal to submit to a search may result in being removed from the event.


18.1    Official Tomorrowland Fashion & Merchandise is only sold on the Festival ground, via the official Tomorrowland webstore (store.tomorrowland.com) and in shops selected by TML by Tomorrowland.


19.1    The Festival grounds provide means to withdraw cash. Top-up booths are installed to load ‘Pearls’, the official currency of the Festival onto the bracelet. The purchase of Pearls can be done in cash or debit/credit card.  All food and drinks purchased on the Festival grounds must be paid for in ‘Pearls’.


20.1   Lockers may be rented on the Festival grounds upon availability.

20.2   When renting a locker, you agree to Lockerbox’s general terms and conditions. These terms and conditions also apply if the rent of a locker is included in the ticket price. (http://www.lockerbox.nl/algemene-voorwaarden/)

20.3   All visitors expressly agree to indemnify the Organiser against any liability for damage to and/or theft of goods that are stored in a rented locker.


21.1    There are parking facilities near the Tomorrowland and Dreamville grounds. During the voucher sale you may also purchase a parking voucher that allows you to park on one of the parking lots. It is not possible to book a specific parking place nor a specific parking lot. Upon payment you will receive a voucher to be used when parking your car. The period for this voucher sale will be announced on our website. It is also possible to use the parking lot without voucher, against cash payment.

21.2    The visitor expressly agrees to indemnify the Organiser against any liability for damage caused to, theft of, or other accidents occurring with vehicles or persons on the official Festival parking lots.


22.1    Upon presentation of a blue parking card, visitors with a disability may use the reserved parking. We ask you to notify us beforehand if you wish to use this parking lot by sending an email to  [email protected];

22.2    People with a disability may enter the Tomorrowland grounds using an elevator. They are allowed to be accompanied in the elevator by up to two caretakers These caretakers have to be in possession of a valid bracelet with their name.

22.3    Extra pavement is installed on the entire grounds to make the Festival grounds easily accessible for people with a disability.


23.1    The Organisers are solely liable for direct damage suffered by a visitor that is directly and solely caused by a breach on the part of the Organiser. However, only damages for which the Organiser is insured and in respect of which the insurer is willing to pay is eligible for compensation. Excluded from compensation are: (i) consequential damage, (ii) immaterial damage (iii) and intentional damage or damage caused by willful recklessness of the visitor.

23.2    All visitors enter the parking areas and the Festival grounds at their own risk, in the sense that the Organiser is not liable for any damage caused in connection with entering or being on the grounds and/or attending concerts, such as hearing damage, eye damage, and other physical disorders.


24.1    The Organiser may only cancel or postpone the Festival in the event of force majeure or if the Organiser has another demonstrable compelling reason to cancel or postpone the Festival. Force majeure events include but are not limited to: terrorist threats, terrorist attacks, inclement weather, strikes, fire, war, government intervention, pandemics, illness of artists, failure of and/or delays in technical facilities, failure of and/or delays in means of transport, etc.

24.3    If a visitor wishes to cancel his/her admission ticket due to concerns over terrorist threats and/or attacks, the purchase price will in no event be refunded.


25.1    Cashless – general

“Cashless payments” is the payment method used during the Festival. The Organization reserves the right to allow other payment methods, such as cash payments and/or payments through other electronic devices.
«Pearl» is the official currency at the Festival. The Visitor can buy «Pearls» through the Tomorrowland Cashless system by a top-up online or a top-up at DreamVille or at Tomorrowland.
Through an online “top-up” transaction on the website or by entering the Festival the visitor automatically accepts the Cashless Terms and Conditions set herein.
The Organization cannot be held liable if the cashless system does not operate, does not operate without defects, or only partially operates during the Festival. In that case the Organization will provide a back-up scenario for the visitor.

25.2    Cashless – transaction disputes

25.2.1            Top-up transactions

All disputes regarding online top-up transactions should be reported immediately with a notification to [email protected]. Complaints related to online transactions will solely be accepted at the latest 3 months after the Festival. The visitor is prompted to add the necessary supporting documents when communicating with the Festival Organization.
Disputes about top-up transaction made at the Festival should be reported by the visitor to a Cashless Customer Service point at the Festival, as well as to this email address: [email protected]. The Organization reserves the right to decline the dispute if no proof or documentation regarding the disputed transaction is submitted. The visitor can track all top up transaction in his online Cashless account.

25.2.2            Other transactions

All other transaction disputes need to be reported as soon as possible at the Cashless Customer Service point at the Festival.

25.3    Loss or theft of the value support

The visitor remains at all times responsible for his cashless support (bracelet or cashless card) onto which the ‘Pearls’ were topped-up. The Organization cannot be held responsible in case of loss or theft.
In case of loss or theft, the visitor can deactivate his cashless support by accessing his online cashless account or by visiting a Cashless Customer Service point at the Festival.

25.4    Refunds

Cashless ‘Pearls’, excluding «Bonus ‘Pearls’» and «Pearls pre-loaded by the Organization» are only refundable after the Festival. Hence, the Organization will not refund any Pearls during the Festival (even in cases when a visitor’s access to the Festival site is denied).
All cashless refunds are subject to a refund fee.
In case of a back-up scenario, the Organization will suggest an alternative method of payment to the visitor. The Organization reserves the right to not carry out «Pearls» refunds.

25.4.1            Automatic refunds

There will be an automatic refund for all online top-ups or transactions through the website implemented through international brands. The international brands are: Bancontact, iDeal, VISA and MasterCard. The Organization reserves the right to add or remove payment methods, if necessary.
The Organization will strive to initiate automatic refunds within a period of 7 days following the end of the Festival. The timing is subject to possible delays which may occur beyond the control of the Organization. The refunds will be conducted by the same payment method which was used for the online top-up. The timing when the payment is visible on the account statement from the electronic payment provider depends on the currency, the country and the necessary processing time where the payment provider is established.
Refunds that qualify for automatic refund happen automatically. The Organization is not able to manually block certain payments nor change the payment method of the refund.

25.4.2            Manual refunds

Manual refunds will apply for all amounts which were topped-up during the Festival.
Manual refunds can be requested until Thursday, August 15 2019, 23h59 CET. Requests for refunds after this date will not be taken into account. The Organisation advises all visitors to make maximum use of online top-up.
The Organization will strive to initiate manual refunds within a period of 7 working days after the end of the period of registration for manual refunds. The timing is subject to possible delays which may occur beyond the will of the Organization. The refunds will be conducted through the payment method as indicated by the visitor on the ”manual refund form”.
Due to the fact that manual refunds are processed individually, there is a minimal processing time between notification from the cashless system and the effective payment, order of approximately three banking days. The Organization cannot be held liable within the minimal processing time. The processing time depends on the chosen method of refund.
The visitor is responsible for providing the Organization with the correct refund information. In case the visitor does not provide the Organization with the correct refund information, the Organization reserves the right not to carry out the refund.
NON SEPA refunds are subject to an additional bank fee of € 7,00 which will be deducted from the refundable deposit. These payments require an additional processing time of at least three bank working days and may additionally be subject to bank charges which are levied by the destination bank. These costs are paid by the visitor.

25.5    Payment data handling and privacy statements

25.5.1            Ingenico

Voor de privacy policy van Ingenico, verwijzen wij u door naar https://payment-services.ingenico.com/be/en/cookie-policy.


26.1    These General Rules and Conditions are exclusively governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with Belgian law, with the exclusion of the rules on conflict of laws.

26.2    Any disputes will be exclusively referred to the competent court in Antwerp, Belgium.

26.3.  The Organiser remains, however, entitled to submit a claim to the court that would have jurisdiction pursuant to the statutory rules of jurisdiction.

26.4    If any provision in these General Rules and Conditions, or any part thereof is, or is declared, invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions of these General Rules and Conditions or the remaining part of that provision will remain in full force and this provision will be automatically replaced (by operation of law) by a valid provision that corresponds with the purport of the invalid provision as much as possible.


Köpvillkor Q-dance

Applies to Defqon.1, Qlimax, Qapital, IMPAQT, The Qontinent, X-qlusive

“General Terms and Conditions”:

These general terms and conditions, which apply to every legal relationship between a Visitor and an Organiser with regard to the visiting of an Event with a Ticket, the purchase of a Ticket and the related purchase of a product and/or service (of Third Parties) on the Website;


The visitor of an Event, or the person who buys a product and/or service (of Third Parties) related to an Event on the Website, according to the meaning of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. The Visitor is always a consumer who is not acting in the course of a profession or running of a business, or on behalf of these, and is the party designated by law as the “other party” in Section 6:231(c) of the Dutch Civil Code;

“Third Party(s)”:

Every party that sells a product or provides a service related to the Event, not being the Organiser or otherwise part of the ID&T group;


Any event, single- or multiday, in- and/or outside – including a festival and any associated camping facilities – organised by the Organiser in the Netherlands at its own expense and risk and for which this Organiser uses these terms and conditions in relation to Visitors;

“Organiser”: The company related to the Event as referred to in Article 2.2, that is user of these General Terms and Conditions on the grounds of section 6:231 sub b Dutch Civil Code in relation to the Visitor for whom this company is responsible in every respect and the contracting party of the Visitor. The Organiser has activities of its own, such as the Website and/or Event.


An admission ticket that provides the Visitor the right to attend an Event. This can either be a physical ticket or a digital ticket with barcode;


Each website of the Organiser as exploited and offered by the legal entity concerned, on which the Visitor can find information about an Event and on which or through which the Visitor can buy Tickets and related products and/or services (of Third Parties);

2.1 The General Terms and Conditions are applicable if the visitor visits an Event with a Ticket, purchases a Ticket and/or a related product or service (of Third Parties) on the Website. The terms and conditions are declared applicable prior to the Visitor’s purchase of a Ticket and/or product or service. By purchasing a Ticket, by visiting an Event with a Ticket and/or by buying a product and/or service (of Third Parties) on the Website, the Visitor accepts these General Terms and Conditions. The General Terms and Conditions also apply if the Ticket, regardless of the manner, was acquired through a third party.

2.2 The Organiser is ID&T Holding B.V. and is registered on Overhoeksplein 27a (11th floor), 1031 KS Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with trade registration number 58522174 (“ID&T”) and/or related companies within the ID&T group. ID&T can be contacted during office hours on the following telephone number: 020 851 06 00 and in addition, via the following email address: [email protected]. Each Event can be contacted via its own Website and/or its own email address, including but not limited to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

2.3 If an Event is organised by a related ID&T company, then the General Terms and Conditions will be applicable to this company if they are available on the relevant Website. In that case, this company is the Organiser, contracting party and user of the General Terms and Conditions as referred to in Section 6:231 (b) of the Dutch Civil Code. ID&T Holding B.V. as such will never be the contracting party and/or the legal user of the General Terms and Conditions and will never be a party in a legal procedure nor will it ever be liable towards a Visitor on the basis of the General Terms and Conditions.

2.4 The Organiser refers to the general terms and conditions on the Ticket of an Event. The Visitor can also access the General Terms and Conditions at the moment of entering the Event, as these General Terms and Conditions – or at least an excerpt thereof – will be made available at the entrance of the Event.

2.5 During the purchase of a product and/or service (of Third Parties) and/or a Ticket on the Website, the Visitor has the possibility to access the General Terms and Conditions before he proceeds to conclude the agreement electronically.

2.6 These General Terms and Conditions solely apply to private persons and specifically exclude parties acting in their capacity as professional contracting parties in relation to the Organiser. The legal relationship between the Organiser and a professional contracting party is subject to alternative terms and conditions.

3.1 The Organiser is at all times entitled to amend or complement the General Terms and Conditions. The amended version will in that case be published on the Website. As of the date of publication, the amended terms and conditions will be applicable. If an amendment or addition significantly affects the rights or obligations of the Visitor, the Organiser will either notify the Visitor of the amended terms and conditions by way of email or by clearly bringing it to the Visitors attention during the visit of the Event and/or the Website.

3.2 If the Visitor visits the Event and/or purchases a Ticket or products and/or services (of Third Parties) on the Website after amendment of or addition to the General Terms and Conditions, the Visitor thereby irrevocably accepts the amended or complemented General Terms and Conditions. If the Visitor does not wish to accept these amended or complemented General Terms and Conditions, the Visitor must immediately cease the use and visitation of the Website and/or Event(s) or the purchase of the Tickets or products and/or services (provided by Third Parties) on the Website.

4.1 Access to the Event is only obtained by showing a valid and undamaged Ticket. People wishing to enter the Event may be requested and will then be obliged to show proof of identity due to checks on the age limit (if applicable). In the event, after entry, the Visitor leaves the Event or its location, the Ticket will automatically lose its validity.

4.2 People younger than 18 will simply be refused entry to the Event, unless explicitly otherwise determined by the Organiser, for example in case a different legal drinking age is used, in which case the Organiser will not be obliged to refund the amount of the Ticket.

4.3 Tickets are and remain the property of the Organiser. The Ticket gives the holder the right to attend the Event. Access is given only to the first holder of the Ticket scanned at the entrance of the Event. The Organiser may presuppose that the holder of this Ticket is also the person who has a right to it. The Organiser is not obliged to perform any further verification of Tickets. The Visitor must take responsibility for ensuring that he is and remains the (sole) holder of the Ticket issued by the Organiser or by an advance sales address that it has engaged.

4.4 As of the time that the Ticket has been provided to the Visitor, the Visitor bears the risk of any loss, theft, damage or misuse of the Ticket. The Ticket is only supplied once and gives access to only one person.

4.5 The Organiser reserves the right to set a maximum on the number of Tickets to be ordered by a Visitor, in that case the Visitor is obliged to comply with such maximum number.

4.6 Solely purchases at the authorized (pre)sale addresses or with the Organiser guarantee the validity of the Tickets. The burden of proof in this regard rests on the Visitor. The Ticket may consist of a barcode provided to the Visitor via electronic communication (e-mail). In the event the Visitor has chosen to receive the Ticket in this manner, the Visitor must ensure that the Ticket can be provided by electronic communication and that it can be provided in a safe manner. Organiser cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the issued Ticket or guarantee the receipt of the admission ticket. Scanning the Ticket from a mobile device of the Visitor is done at the sole risk of the Visitor. Organiser cannot be held liable in the event the Ticket cannot be scanned and the Visitor is not entitled to a refund of the amount of the Ticket and/or compensation in this case.

5.1 Tickets for the Event may not in any way be resold by the Visitor in the context of commercial purposes.

5.2 The Organiser may appoint an authorized resale platform (e.g. an additional official sales channel) for Tickets for the Event, which could be an online secondary ticket marketplace. Reselling Tickets on any sales channels other than the ones appointed by the Organiser is strictly forbidden. Access to the Event may be refused for a Visitor holding a Ticket purchased from an unauthorized source. The Organiser cannot be held liable nor can any damages be claimed resulting from the sale or purchase of a Ticket (including the validity of a Ticket) for the Event via any sales channel.

5.3 The Visitor is not allowed to make any type of advertising or any other kind of publicity relating to the event or any part of it.

5.4 The Visitor who transfers on his Ticket to a third party is obliged to impose on the one to whom he transfers the Ticket the obligations that rest on him as Visitor, as reflected in these General Terms and Conditions. Transferor remains responsible vis-à-vis the Organiser for the compliance of this person with the same obligations.

5.5 If the Visitor does not comply with his obligations as reflected in the preceding paragraphs of this article and/or cannot guarantee them, the Visitor will forfeit to the Organiser an immediately payable penalty of € 10,000,- per violation and € 5,000,- for each day that the violation has continued or continues, without prejudice to the Organiser’s additional right to demand compliance from the Visitor and/or compensation of loss suffered or to be suffered.

5.6 Should the Visitor not comply with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, the Organiser is entitled to invalidate/cancel the Tickets or refuse the Visitor (further) access to the Event without the Visitor being entitled to reimbursement of the amount that he has paid the Organiser, directly or via an advance sales address, for the Ticket (including service fees). The holders of any such Tickets will be denied entry to the Event, without any right to compensation.

6.1 The Organiser is entitled to search or arrange for Visitors to the Event to be searched before entering and/or during the Event. If the Visitor refuses to be searched, he may be refused entry to the Event or may be immediately removed from the Event, without any right to a refund of the amount of the Ticket.

6.2 Cameras may be available that make recordings of the area/the venue where the Event takes place, for the purpose of surveillance and safety.

Article 7 Prohibited items

7.1 At the risk of confiscation, a Visitor may not bring, either for himself or another person – or have in his possession – at the Event venue, any professional photography-, film-, drone-, sound- and/or other recording equipment of any nature, glassware, plastic bottles, (alcoholic) beverages, selfie sticks that if extended are longer than 1.5 meter and/or constructions that are not intended for that purpose, food, drugs (among others drugs that are listed on list I and II of the Opium Act), nitrous oxide (cartridges), cans, fireworks, animals, weapons and/or dangerous objects (including – but not limited to – spray cans or CS gas) or use such items prior to or during an Event. The venue of the Event may apply other and/or additional policies which apply to this article and the Event, which in that case also applies to the Event. Confiscated items will not be returned.

7.2 Any Visitor who breaches this prohibition may moreover be refused entry or further access without any right to a refund of the amount of the Ticket, or may be removed from the Event and/or handed over to the police. The Organiser has the right to destroy the confiscated items.

The Organiser reserves the right to refuse specific people entry or further access to the Event or to remove them from the Event and/or hand the Visitor over to the police if it deems this necessary for maintaining public order and safety during the Event and/or there is a violation of an article from these General Terms and Conditions. This also applies if a Visitor wears or carries clothing, texts or signs which, in the opinion of the Organiser, may be offensive, discriminating, insulting to or cause aggression or unrest among other Visitors or does not comply with dress code as specified by the Organiser, as well as to undressing during the Event (including but not limited, for instance, to exposing the upper part of the body). Even if an Ticket is likely to be counterfeit, the Organiser is entitled to refuse to admit the holder of this Ticket to the event without the Visitor or this holder being able to claim any compensation for any loss that this may cause him or restitution of the amount of the Ticket.

9.1 Recording the Event in a professional and/or commercial form, including photographing, filming (including drones), making sound and/or image recordings, as well as reprinting and/or copying from the programme booklet, posters and other printed materials is not permitted without the express, prior and written consent of the Organiser.

9.2 In the event registrations have been made of part of the Event by the Visitor using non-professional recording equipment (such as a smartphone), these registrations are strictly for their own use and may not be used and/or made available to the public commercially in any way.

10.1 The Visitor enters the Event venue, which may include any car park and/or camping site(s) and shuttle buses that are used to transport Visitors to the Event’s entry point, and attends the Event at his own risk. Organiser cannot be held liable for any damage which the Visitor has suffered in this regard.

10.2 The Visitor is expressly aware that loud music will be played during the Event. The Organiser advises Visitors to occasionally give their hearing a rest during the Event by going to an area where no music is being played and to wear ear protection at all times. Organiser accepts no liability for hearing loss, damage to sight, blindness and/or other bodily injury and/or damage of goods, such as but not limited to clothing, whether or not brought by other visitors to the Event.

10.3 Organiser is solely liable for damage to the Visitor resulting from a shortcoming attributable to the Organiser. The total liability of Organiser is always limited to the compensation for the reasonable, demonstrable and direct out-of-pocket damage and costs of the Visitor, provided that this liability is always limited to the amount covered by the legal liability insurance of the Organiser.

10.4 Liability of Organiser for indirect damage, including consequential loss, intangible damage, loss of profits, lost savings and / or damage due to company stagnation is excluded.

10.5 The Visitor is obliged to report any damages to the Organiser within 48 hours of the Event via the email address as referred to in Article 2.2, on penalty of expiry for any claim of damages.

10.6 In the event the Organiser directly or indirectly engages subordinates, non-subordinates, assistants, third parties or other persons for the performance of the agreement, any liability of the Organiser pursuant to article 6:76, article 6:171 and article 6:172 of the civil code are excluded and Organiser is not liable for damages caused by these persons.

10.7 The Visitor shall indemnify the Organiser for all claims of third parties in respect of damages for which the Visitor is liable against such third parties under the law. The Visitor shall compensate Organiser for any damage, including all legal costs incurred by Organiser, resulting from any claim from those third parties.

The Organiser will aim for the Event programme to be carried out in accordance with the announced schedule as far as possible. It is however not liable for deviations from this schedule and any resultant damage to Visitors and/or third parties. The Organiser is not liable for the content of the Event programme or how it is performed, expressly including the length of the programme/performances by artists. The starting time mentioned on the Ticket is subject to change.

12.1 The Visitor to the Event is obliged to comply with the regulations, internal rules, any amendments thereof and the instructions of the Organiser, the transport firm that runs the shuttle bus, the operators of the parking space, the operators of the Event venue, the security staff, fire brigade, police and other authorised parties. Security cameras may be present at the Event venue.

12.2 If the Visitor fails to comply with an order or breaches a rule prohibiting certain behaviour, he will be immediately removed by the security staff. Specific rules may apply to the site or venue of any Event and will be announced or published on site. If possible, these rules will also be published in advance on the Website.

13.1 In case of force majeure in the broadest sense, which in this regard also includes the illness and/or withdrawal of the artist(s), strikes, terrorist threat, decision to cancel by the competent authority, fire, bad weather conditions, etc., the Organiser will be entitled to move the Event to another date or location or to cancel the Event.

13.2 The Organiser will not be responsible for damage arising from moving or cancelling the Event, as referred to above. If the Event is moved or cancelled, as referred to above, the Organiser will publicise this fact as far as possible in the manner that it deems appropriate, including among others through mentioning the applicable terms for a refund on the Website. The Organiser is only obliged in case of full cancellation to refund the admission fee as mentioned on the Ticket, but not the service fees and any incurred travel and accommodation costs, to the Visitor at his request. This applies in the event the Ticket was bought by the Visitor at the authorized (pre)sale addresses of the Organiser, and is not applicable in the event the Visitor bought the Ticket at any other sales platform, including but not limited to online secondary ticket marketplaces.

13.3 The (partial) refund will only be made, within a reasonable period after the date of the cancelled Event, if the Visitor produces a valid, undamaged Ticket which proves that it was bought by the Visitor, in the manner stipulated and announced by the Organiser (or the party that processed the Ticket payment) by means of channels that it will announce.

13.4 In the event the Event has to be cancelled due to or in connection with force majeure, the Organiser will be required to refund only a part of the fee as specified on the Ticket, or, failing that, only a part of the amount of the Ticket that the Visitor has paid via the authorized (pre)sale addresses. Service fees or other damages will not be refunded. Neither is the Visitor able to claim (replacement) access to a different event.

13.5 In the event the Event is rescheduled by the Organiser due to force majeure, the Ticket will remain valid for the new date that the Event is moved to. If the Visitor is not able to attend the Event on the new date, he is entitled to submit his Ticket at the (pre) sale address against refund of the amount of the Ticket (excluding service fees) that the Visitor has paid via the authorized (pre)sale addresses. This refund will only take place if the Visitor is able to deliver a valid and undamaged Ticket on time to the (pre)sale address, as specified on the Website.

14.1 The performers and/or Organiser is for commercial purposes authorised to make or arrange for image and/or sound recordings to be made of the Event and the Visitors to the Event and to reproduce and/or publicise or arrange for the publication of these recordings in any form and in any manner. By obtaining an Ticket to the Event and/or entering the Event venue, the Visitor unconditionally consents to the aforementioned recordings being made and to the processing, publication and use thereof, in the broadest sense, without the Organiser or any of its affiliated companies being liable to pay any compensation to him at any time.

14.2 The Visitor hereby irrevocably renounces any interest that he could have in the aforementioned recordings. Insofar as the Visitor has any copyright, neighbouring rights and/or portrait rights to the aforementioned recordings, he hereby unreservedly assigns these rights to the Organiser and hereby irrevocably renounces his personality rights and/or will not invoke these rights. In the event this transfer is not legally valid in advance, the Visitor is obliged at first request of the Organiser to give written notice of said permission and/or sign a deed of transfer to transfer these rights for free to the Organiser.

15.1 It is not permitted for the Visitor to (e)smoke anywhere on an Event that is organised by the Organiser on an inside location. If an Event takes (partly) place outside, (e)smoking is only permitted in the open air. Inside (in (temporary) buildings, constructions, tents and/or under a roof) (e)smoking is explicitly prohibited on any Event. The Organiser will take reasonable steps to make Visitors aware of the smokefree nature of the Event, but cannot warrant that the Event will be entirely smokefree. The Visitor will not be entitled under any circumstances to a refund of the amount of the Ticket or to any other compensation if the Event is not entirely smokefree.

15.2 If a ban or command on smoking is breached, the security staff can to the extent possible immediately remove the Visitor insofar as possible and any fines imposed on the Organiser because of the Visitor’s breach will be recovered from the Visitor.

Tokens purchased during an Event will only be valid for that Event. The Organiser is not obliged to refund the purchase price of tokens after the Event. The Event can use different methods, such as a cashless system. If an Event venue uses different methods, the general terms and conditions of the Event venue will apply with regard to payment options during and after the Event. These conditions may differ from what is stated in this article of the General Terms and Conditions.

During the Event, the Organiser can, make use of an ‘open loop’ and/or ‘closed loop’ electronic payment system for the consumption done by the Visitor, among others by (also) using debit or credit card transactions instead of (or next to) tokens or coins.

In the event the Visitor wishes to pay with cash, the Organiser can offer a ‘closed loop’ system. The Visitor can use cash at a cash register at the Event to place credit on a payment card specifically created for that Event.

During the Event no refund to the Visitor (“Refund”) of the value of any remaining credit on this payment card (“Remaining credit”) will take place. The Remaining credit can be Refunded only once to the Visitor after the Event. The Visitor needs to request the Organiser for a Refund of the Remaining credit within two weeks after the Event, unless stated otherwise. After this period the Visitor loses the right to a Refund of the Remaining credit. All necessary information regarding (the application of) the Refund, can be read on the Event Website. Performing a Refund entails costs and the Organiser reserves the right to impose these costs on the Visitor. These costs are expressed on the Event Website. The payment card should remain after the Event in the possession of the Visitor since with this payment card the Remaining credit will be determined. In case of loss or possible theft of the payment card a Refund of any Remaining credit is not possible. The Organiser is never liable for any loss and/or theft of the payment card.

The Organiser (hereafter in this article, “The Organiser”) has the choice to provide the Visitor the possibility to rent a locker at the Event. A locker is a storage area for objects, clothes, bags, cash and/or securities of the Visitor, for which the Visitor will receive a personal code. With this code, the Visitor can open and close the locker. On the use of the locker by the Visitor additional general terms (of a third party) may apply, to which general terms the Visitor agrees at the time of renting the locker. The Organiser will not be liable for loss and/or theft and/or use by another of the personal code. Therefore, the Visitor should always keep the code for himself and the Visitor is recommended to not store any valuables in the locker.

The Organiser may also offer camping facilities to Visitors at an Event, which offer will be valid for as long as those facilities remain available. The Visitor must purchase a special camping ticket for access to the camping facilities. In addition to the terms and conditions of this chapter, the Visitor may not take, in addition to the goods mentioned in article 7 of these General Terms and Conditions, the following items from the camping facilities and/or use the following items:

a) Campers, caravans, delivery vans, minibuses or other cars (all vehicles must be parked at the designated car park);

b) Candles, torches, oil or gas lamps, gas cylinders, sharp objects, tap systems, sound systems (other than a small radio), barbecues and/or other cooking or kitchen equipment, or generators.

20.1 Camping and sleeping is only permitted in (brought along) tents or other accommodation options offered by the Organiser at the campsite and not in cars or otherwise in the car park. All vehicles must be parked in the car park. The Visitor must carry all items that need to be taken to the campsite himself.

20.2 Each Visitor to the campsite may not take along more than the maximum amount of non-alcoholic or weak alcoholic beverages as mentioned on the Website. Glassware and/or strong alcoholic beverages are strictly forbidden. No drinks – alcoholic and/or non-alcoholic – may be taken from the campsite to the Event venue. Visitors may take their own food to the campsite, but this may not be taken to the venue where the Event takes place.

20.3 The Visitor and his luggage will be searched and checked at the entrance to the campsite and again at the entrance to the Event venue.

20.4 Trading, in any form whatsoever, is not permitted in the car park, at the campsite or in the Event venue. Goods may not be defaced other than expressly in designated places. The Visitor must deposit any form of refuse in the designated rubbish bins.

20.5 Climbing on stages, barriers, gates or scaffolding is not permitted. The breach of any of these conditions may lead to the removal from the Event venue and/or the camp-, parking site without any refund of the admission fee.

20.6 An Event may include specific campside rules, which are made known upon entry of the camping site and/or in the general house rules of the Event, as stated on the Website. These latter rules are in the event of deviating rules prevailing to the rules as stated in these General Terms and Conditions.

20.7 The Organiser may lay down further practical rules in the ‘Campsite Rules’ that will be put up or distributed, in relation to:

using showers and washing facilities at the campsite;
refuse collection;
putting up tents;
permitted food and drinks;
following the instructions of government, security and service employees;
other relevant instructions for camping with regard to public nuisance and similar matters.
21.1 If the Visitor purchases a Ticket for an Event of the Organiser, the payment and delivery for this Ticket will usually be handled for the Organiser by a third party, such as Paylogic. This third party may apply its own terms and conditions which are applicable to the payment and delivery of the Ticket. The Organiser is not responsible for the content of these terms and conditions.

21.2 The Organiser that manages the Website is in no way liable for errors, malfunctions or defects in or upon payment by this third party(s) to the Website and/or to the third party website.

21.3 The Visitor can not return the purchased Ticket, because an exception for the right of withdrawal applies on the grounds of section 6:230p under e Dutch Civil Code. By purchasing a Ticket, the Visitor enters into an agreement with the Organiser to perform a service for leisure activities – the Event – whereby the contract includes a specific point in time for performing the service, namely the specific date and time of the Event. Prior to purchasing a Ticket, the Visitor is informed about the exclusion of the right of withdrawal via the Website.

22.1 Via the Website products and/or services of Third Parties are offered that relate to the Event, whether or not via a hyperlink to the website of the Third Parties concerned. If the Visitor decides to purchase the products and/or services offered by Third Parties, the Visitor will enter into a (purchase) contract with the Third Party concerned and general terms and conditions of this Third Party may be applicable. The Third Party concerned is then liable for the performance of any obligation with respect to the Visitor.

22.2 Although the Organiser chooses Third Parties with due care, the Organiser is not a party to any agreement between the Visitor and the Third Party. The Visitor indemnifies the Organiser against any claim for costs or damages that may arise from an agreement between the Visitor and Third Party.

23.1 The Visitor may be offered trips for booking Tickets for domestic and foreign events via the Website, which will be booked and handled by Third Parties. When purchasing such a trip, the Visitor enters into a transport agreement with this third party. Although the Organiser chooses the Third Parties with care, it is not a party to any agreement between the Visitor and the Third Party.

23.2 The Visitor indemnifies the Organiser against any claim for costs or damage that may arise from an agreement between himself and the Third Party. Any applicable General Terms and Conditions of the Third Party may always be requested on the website of this third party.

The Visitor to an Event of the Organiser may be offered products and/or services at that Event by Third Parties with a stand, such as food or beverages, merchandise items or other products such as sunglasses or clothing, or by providers of (fairground) attractions. Although the Organiser chooses these Third Parties with care, it is not a party to any agreement between the Visitor and the Third Party. The Organiser will not be liable under any circumstances for any damage arising from the purchase or procurement of a product or service by the Visitor, including a (fairground) ride of the Third Party. The Visitor indemnifies the Organiser against any claim for costs or damage that may arise from an agreement between himself and the Third Party. Any applicable general terms and conditions of the Third Party may be requested from this third party.

25.1 Visitors of the Website are at all times obliged to comply with the regulations, any amendment of the regulations and any instructions and user rules of an Organiser as published on the Event venue and/or camping site and/or the Website.

25.2 Insofar as the Visitor of the Website does not comply, does not comply fully and/or does not comply on time with the user rules, the Organiser may, depending on the specific circumstances, suspend its obligations, terminate the agreement without being liable to pay any compensation, or claim specific performance.

Although the Organiser pays great care and attention to the provision of information on the Website, it cannot give any guarantee in relation to the nature and content of the information and is in no way liable for the content and consequences of using that information. Insofar as there are hyperlinks on the Website to offers, products, material or the website of a Third Party, the Organiser is neither responsible nor liable for the functioning of that hyperlink, the access to or content of the information of such a website.

Notwithstanding its possible other rights, the Organiser is entitled in case of force majeure to postpone the performance of any agreement or to terminate it out of court, without being liable to pay any compensation. Force majeure includes any breach that cannot be attributed to the Organiser, because it is not accountable by law, a legal act or according to generally accepted standards, as is set out in Article 13.

28.1 The Organiser will not be responsible under any circumstances towards the Visitor or third parties for errors, limited information or details on any Website except in case of intent or wilful recklessness towards the Visitor. The Organiser or Third Parties involved in the performance of any service or agreement will not be liable under any circumstances for damage, costs, lost profits, losses, consequential damage, loss of privacy or loss of data for any direct or indirect use or functioning of the Website.

28.2 The Organiser expressly does not warrant the Visitor that the Website, parts thereof or functions pertaining thereto will always function flawlessly, function according to the description or be available for use. On account of the internet connection, the resultant link to many unknown third-party internet users and possible attacks by hackers or others, the Organiser can likewise not warrant that the Website or the server that it uses will always be free of viruses, bugs or other faults or defects. The Visitor should also take reasonable measures himself to ensure that his computer is protected against viruses and the like.

28.3 The Organiser will not be liable under any circumstances for the Visitor following any link or hyperlink to a Third Party website or for the Visitor entering into any agreement with this Third Party. The Organiser will likewise not be liable under any circumstances for the messages posted by others on any forum or via any social medium that cause material or immaterial damage to the Visitor in any way.

28.4 Organiser cannot be held liable for theft and/or loss of properties of the Visitor at the Event venue and/or camping site.

The Organiser uses personal information of its clients and Visitors of the Website according to its privacy statement and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Implementing Law General Data Protection Regulation. Earlier mentioned privacy statement is available on the Website.

30.1 Everything that is made available on the Website, social media and during the Event or which belongs thereto, including music files, artists’ names, label names, streamings, downloads, software, designs, drawings, logos and trademarks forms part of the intellectual property of the Organiser or any licensor thereof by law or on the basis of an agreement.

30.2 The Visitor must recognise these intellectual property rights at all times and observe and comply with all restrictions placed on the use of protected works by law. Nothing in these General Terms and Conditions is meant to transfer, or to provide a license of, any intellectual property rights to the Visitor.

30.3 The provisions of the Dutch Copyright Act and other intellectual property laws apply fully at all times to any use and take precedence over these user rules:

a) the Visitor may only make normal private use of a product after he has paid for it in the normal way indicated on the Website. Any act of the Visitor which circumvents, changes or otherwise avoids the method of payment is prohibited. The Visitor may not otherwise reproduce, alter, upload, play in public, display, make available to third parties, perform, sell, resell, misuse, etc. a download or any other material from the Website as all these acts are reserved for the entitled parties. The Visitor may not adjust, circumvent, decrypt, encrypt or disrupt any software, files or payment procedures; b) the Visitor is allowed to make normal use of any product file that he has lawfully purchased, according to the procedures indicated on the Website. It is permissible to make a private copy, create a copy on another computer of music and other files that have been downloaded and purchased according to the rules, but only for personal and non-commercial use. Making copies available to third parties is not allowed under any circumstances; c) the security method as applied to software also explicitly belongs to the protected portions of the Website; d) the delivery of any file purchased by the Visitor does not entail any assignment or licensing of a right to the Visitor to promote or exploit that file.

30.4 If it is established that a Visitor has breached the statutory rules, the Organiser is within its rights to inform the entitled party hereof, which can then institute legal action against the Visitor.

If and insofar as any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is inconsistent with any statutory rule, this will not affect the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions. The provision in question will cease to exist and be replaced by a provision that approximates the original one as closely as possible as regards content and nature and which is permitted by law.

Dutch law applies to these General Terms and Conditions. The Amsterdam District Court has jurisdiction to take cognisance of disputes relating to these General Terms and Conditions, an agreement or the performance thereof, unless another court has jurisdiction pursuant to the law.

In the event there is a dispute between the Visitor and the Organiser with regard to an online purchase and the Visitor and the Organiser are unable to resolve the dispute amicably, the Visitor has the right to file a complaint against the Organiser via this link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

Köpvillkor Art of Dance

Applies to Masters of Hardcore, Dominator Festival, Free Festival, SYNDICATE

Chapter 1: General

Article 1: Definitions

“Organisation”: Organisation is Art of Entertainment B.V., with the Chamber of Commerce number 34298370, the user of these terms and conditions in the agreement with the other party (the Visitor) in the context of access to the Event, and responsible for the organisation of the Events.
“Visitor”: Visitor of an Event or the Website of Art of Dance.
“Event”: Any kind of Event – including a festival and all associated facilities – organised by Organisation in Netherlands and for which Organisation uses these terms against Visitor. Event is part of and is organised by Organisation and has its own activities, such as its own website.
“Agreement”: The agreement between Organisation and Visitor, regarding use of the Website, the access to and the house rules during the Event.
“Ticket”: Proof of access to the Event, both physically and electronically.
“Website”: The website of Event or otherwise linked to Event.

Article 2: General Provisions

2.1 These general terms and conditions apply to any legal relationship between Visitor and the Organisation.
2.2 These general terms and conditions are part of the Agreement.
2.3 The Agreement applies only to consumers and expressly not to professional parties. Visitor is always a consumer not acting from or on behalf of a job or a company, and is described in the law as “other party”.

Article 3: Disclosure and application of these terms and conditions

3.1 These general terms and conditions have been filed with the Chamber of Commerce under number 34298370 and can be requested by any interested party.
3.2 These terms and conditions are also available and downloadable via the Website for Visitor.

Article 4: Changes to the general terms and conditions

These terms and conditions are subject to change. A modified version will be published on the Website and be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce. The amended terms shall apply from the date of publication. If Visitor does not wish to accept the amended terms, they must cease purchase of services or products by Organisation.

Chapter 2: Privacy policy and website

Article 5: Privacy provisions

5.1 Organisation respects the privacy of every Visitor to the website and the Event and ensures that the Visitor’s personal data is confidential and treated with care.
5.2 Every Ticket needs to be personalized to ensure entrance at the event. If the name on the ticket does not match the name on the Visitors identification documents, the Organisation may deny entry of the Visitor. Organisation grants Visitor an option to change the name on the ticket online against a fee of 10% of the ticket prize. Personalization is used to fight black-market sales, in emergency cases and to inform visitors about the event and related cases. Visitor can at any moment ask Organization to delete the personal data.

Article 6: Use of Visitor data

On the Website, the Visitor gets to indicate whether Organisation may use their data to send information about upcoming events, publications, offers, campaigns and other websites of Organisation. After obtaining this consent, Organisation may share Visitor data with other companies that are part of the same group.
Visitor can also indicate whether they wish to receive information on activities of third parties, such as sponsors of Event or other affiliated companies. If such consent is given, Organisation may share Visitor data with these third parties. Visitor may withdraw this consent at any time by sending an email to Organisation with the text “withdraw permission for sharing my information with third parties in relation to Event”.

Article 7: Confidentiality of Visitor towards third parties

7.1 Visitor does not make their username and password known to third parties and is at all times responsible and liable for the loss of this information. If a third party becomes aware of this Visitor data, Visitor must report this directly to Organisation.
7.2 Organisation is under no circumstances liable for, or can under any circumstances be held liable by Visitor for the loss of personal data of Visitor on the side of Visitor or for any damage that (possibly) results from such a loss on the part of Visitor.

Article 8: Security

8.1 Organisation takes security measures to protect the personal data of Visitor. As such, Organisation complies with the relevant laws and regulations. Organisation takes the necessary measures to ensure that only relevant parties that have obtained permission by Visitor or which are necessary for the performance of a contract can view and/or use the data.
8.2 Organisation is under no circumstances liable for property damage or damage due to identity fraud suffered by Visitor if a third party gains unauthorised access to the personal information of Visitor, when the unauthorised access took place despite the presence of measures/protection set by Organisation that can under the law and by reasonableness and fairness be expected of them, unless there is intent or gross negligence. The online transmission of personal data by Visitor is at own risk.

Chapter 3: Visiting events and house rules

Article 9: General

9.1 At visits to Event, Visitor is obliged to conform to conditions and rules of conduct set by Organisation.
9.2 Visitor accepts the contents of these terms and conditions by means of acquiring and/or use of a Ticket, entering the location of Event and/or by cognisance of this via the Website. This also applies when a Ticket is obtained via a third party in any way, shape or form.
9.3 Organisation displays house rules at or near the Event, also tailored to relevant specific circumstances of Event. Visitor is held to abide by these house rules under all circumstances. The consequences of a violation of any provision of this chapter of these terms and conditions apply accordingly to the consequences of a violation of a provision of the house rules mentioned in this article.

Article 10: Access

10.1 Organisation can limit the number of tickets Visitor can buy.
10.2 The physical version of the Ticket is provided once and provides access to only one person. The electronic version of the Ticket is provided only once per e-mail and provides access to only one person.
10.3 From the moment that the Ticket is supplied to Visitor, Visitor carries the risk and must account for loss, theft, damage or misuse of the Ticket.
10.4 Access to the Event is only obtained by showing a valid and undamaged Ticket, which may be scanned. Visitor who does not have a valid Ticket is denied access to the Event or to be removed from the location of the Event. A Ticket that does not recognise the access control system as such and/or yields an incorrect code is invalid or leads to expiration of validity of the Ticket, without right to a refund of the purchase price. Additionally, if a Ticket is in all likelihood fake, the Organisation is allowed to refuse or deny the holder of this ticket access to (the site of) Event. Visitor or the holder is not able to claim any compensation for damage or loss that this may cause them.
10.5 Access to Event is only possible for persons over 18 years of age. Organisation is not required to refund a Ticket, if Organisation denies or refuses Visitor access due to violation of the age minimum. Persons who wish to attend Event may be asked, and are then required, to show a valid photo ID as a result of checks on said age minimum. Organisation may directly or indirectly copy the ID, including making a photocopy, for the purpose of maintaining public order and security, or at the request of competent (government) agencies.
10.6 Access is only given to the first holder of the Ticket which is scanned at the entrance to Event. Organisation may assume that the Ticket belongs to the holder. Organisation is not obliged to carry out any further checks to verify that the Ticket is valid. Visitor has responsibility regarding the Ticket purchased by them.
10.7 Visitor is only allowed in places the Ticket expressly entitles them to. Instructions on this subject by security staff, police, employees of Organisation and/or other competent authorities must at all times be followed immediately by Visitor.

Article 11: Refusal of access

In general, Organisation reserves the right to deny access or further access to certain persons at (site of) Event or to clear them from (site of) Event as deemed appropriate by them for maintaining the public order and security during Event. The same applies if Visitor carries clothing, texts or characters who, in the opinion of Organisation, can be considered offensive, discriminatory or may cause aggression or unrest of other Visitors, or undressing themselves during Event (including but not limited to, for example, exposing the upper part of the body). Additionally, if a Ticket is in all likelihood fake, the Organisation is allowed to refuse or deny the holder of this ticket access to (the site of) Event. Visitor or the holder is not able to claim any compensation for damage or loss that this may cause them.

Article 12: Transferability and resale

12.1 It is prohibited without the prior written consent of Organisation to directly or indirectly resell Tickets for Events or to use them for commercial purposes, including for promotion and/or advertising of items, as a prize in competitions or as part of packages (such as packages offered by bus companies, (bus) tour operators, travel agencies and ticketing bureaus), unless it concerns an individual transaction in the private sphere.
12.2 Organisation can enable a recognised (online) sales platform (e.g. an extra official sales channel) for Tickets to an Event. Visitor is not allowed to buy or to sell a Ticket to Event anywhere other than an official sales channel, unless there is an individual transaction in the private sphere.
12.3 Organisation can neither be held responsible nor can damage be claimed as a result of the sale or purchase of a Ticket to the Event (including the validity of a Ticket to the Event) by some other party than the sales channel designated by Organisation.
12.4 Visitor that transfers their Ticket for compensation to a third party, without commercial purpose, that is to say an individual transaction in the private sphere, remains (partly) responsible to Organisation for compliance with the conditions set out in this article.
12.5 If Visitor does not meet their obligations in this article and/or cannot ensure this, Visitor owes a direct fine of EUR 300.00 (three hundred euros) to Organisation per violation per Ticket and EUR 50.00 (fifty euros) for each day and per Ticket that the violation continues or has continued, without prejudice to the additional right of Organisation to demand compliance of Visitor and/or compensation of damage suffered or damage to be suffered.
12.6 The manner of sale of Tickets is, subject to the provisions of this chapter, also laid down in a specific regulation.
12.7 Organisation is entitled to void or cancel the Tickets without Visitor being entitled to a reimbursement of the amount they paid to Organisation for the Ticket (including service charge), directly or through an official sales channel.

13 Article 13: Body search

Organisation has the right to (have) a Visitor body searched prior to entering the location or during Event.

Article 14: Prohibited items

14.1 With risk of confiscation, Visitor may not bring professional equipment for photography, filming, sound and/or other recording equipment, no glassware, plastic bottles, drugs, cans, fireworks, sticks, chains, nitrous oxide, animals, weapons and/or other dangerous objects (including but not limited to spray cans or tear gas), or other items which, in the view of security personnel, police, employees of Organisation and/or other authorities having jurisdiction, is seen as containing discriminatory or provocative texts, pictures or shapes either to themselves or to another person, or have these in possession at the location of Event, or make use of these objects before or during an Event. Confiscated items will not be returned.
14.2 Visitor may not bring their own drink and food.
14.3 Consumption, use, trade, or possession of any narcotic drugs is strictly prohibited. Upon infringement of this the police may immediately be involved.
14.4 Confiscated items may be destroyed.
14.5 The on-location selling or offering, or having present for that purpose, merchandise, including (alcoholic) drinks, food, souvenirs, t-shirts (including the associated packaging, (plastic) glasses and the like), is allowed only if and to the extent that consent has been obtained from Organisation and under the condition that the Government required permits are available
14.6 Organisation reserves the right to ward off adverts from the location, including advertising associated with or resulting from direct or indirect advertising actions/advertising acts of a sponsor not directly affiliated to Event and/or Organisation.
14.7 The public should deposit waste, including of consumed drinks and food, in the appropriate containers.
14.8 It is forbidden to behave in a way that others may experience as provocative, threatening or offensive on the location of Event. Furthermore, it is forbidden to create any danger to the health or safety of oneself or others or to inflict harm upon others.
14.9 It is forbidden to climb light installations, fences, roofs, catwalks, canals, and other equipment or buildings on the location of Event.
14.10 The spreading or handing out of leaflets, flyers and/or goods at the Event and in its immediate vicinity is prohibited unless written permission has been granted by the Organisation.

Article 15: Non-Smoking Event

15.1 Visitor may not smoke during an Event in a covered place (such as, but not limited to tents, umbrella tent, etc.), unless this place is specifically designated as a “smoking area”. Organisation shall take reasonable steps to inform the Visitors of the non-smoking nature of Event, but cannot guarantee that Event will be fully non-smoking. Visitor is under no circumstances entitled to a refund of the entry fee or any other fee if Event is not completely non-smoking.
15.2 Any fines imposed on Organisation as a result of violation of the smoking ban are recovered from the relevant Visitor.

Article 16: Film and video footage

16.1 Recording (parts of) an Event in a professional and/or commercial manner, including photographing, filming, audio and/or picture recordings, as well as reprinting and/or copying the programme booklet, posters and other printed materials is not permitted without the prior, express, written permission of Organisation.
16.2 Visitor who is present at an Event:
a) recognises that Event is a public Event;
b) agrees with the recording and/or use of their name, voice, portrait and/or image, broadcast live or otherwise or recorded audio and video display, a broadcast or other form of distribution including photos or other current or future media technologies;
c) gives unconditional permission for use as referred to in sub b) for an indefinite amount of time and around the world;
d) does not hold responsible either Organisation nor parties who with permission of Organisation use image and/or sound material for commercial purposes, for the use of this image and/or sound material;
e) waives their image rights, as far as footage in and around the location of Event is concerned in which they are recognisably visible in the image;
f) recognises that a video surveillance system is operational, and agrees that by or on behalf of the Organisation security video footage of them may be made in the framework of public order and security. Under circumstances, Organisation may be required by competent enforcement or investigative agencies that have an appropriate jurisdiction or a court decision to offer live view of the footage or to release footage to the relevant services.
16.3 Organisation is authorised to (have) image and/or sound recordings made of Event and the Visitors and to reproduce these images and/or publish or arrange for the publication of these images in any form and in any manner. Visitor gives unconditional permission for the production of the aforementioned recordings, processing, publication and use of such, in the broadest sense. Visitor hereby irrevocably waives any interest they might have in the above recordings. To the extent that Visitor has any copyright, neighbouring rights and/or image rights to the above recordings, they assign these rights without reserve to Organisation and they hereby irrevocably waive their image rights and/or will not appeal them. Everything mentioned here as far as this is permitted by the law.

Article 17: Own risk

17.1 Visitor enters (site of) Event at own risk.
17.2 Visitor is explicitly aware that loud music will be played during Event. Organisation stresses the importance that Visitor gives their hearing the occasional break during Event by going to an area where no loud music is played and to wear hearing protection at all times.
17.3 Organisation is not liable for any damage caused by accessing (site of) Event and/or attending Event, including hearing loss and other physical disorders, unless it concerns gross negligence and/or intent by Organisation.
17.4 If Organisation is nevertheless held liable, then any liability will be limited to EUR 30,000.00 (thirty thousand euros) as a result of damage caused by personal injury or costs arising from the above entrance or
presence, such as, but not limited to, hearing, visual and other physical disorders of Visitor, as a result of any damages whatsoever, including those resulting from the actions of other Visitors, Organisation, its staff and/or third parties that have been enabled as exhibitors.

Article 18: Lockers

18.1 Organisation has the option to offer Visitor the possibility to rent a locker during Event. A locker is a storage area for objects, clothing, bags, money and/or valuables of Visitor, for which Visitor will receive a private key. With this key Visitor can open and close the locker.
18.2 Organisation has the ability to offer a voucher in presale, which can be used to pick up a key for a locker at Event. In case combination locks are used, Visitor receives the number of the locker and the corresponding code by e-mail a day before Event. Visitor is responsible for the voucher at own risk and account.
18.3 Organisation may hire a third party for the rental of lockers.
18.4 Organisation is under no circumstances liable for the loss and/or theft and/or use by a third party of the private key. In addition, Organisation is under no circumstances liable for damages due to theft from the locker. Use of the locker is at own risk of Visitor.

Article 19: Parking and Shuttle buses

19.1 Organisation will provide parking facilities and shuttle buses, the implementation of which can be outsourced to a third party.
19.2 Organisation has the ability to offer a voucher in presale, which Visitors can use to make use of the parking facilities or the shuttle buses. Visitor is responsible for the voucher at own risk and account.

Article 20: Tokens

20.1 Food and drink at Event may only be bought with tokens.
20.2 Tokens that are purchased during an Event are valid only for that Event.
20.3 Organisation has the ability to offer a voucher in presale, which Visitor can use to pick up the purchased tokens at an official checkout at Event. Visitor is responsible for the voucher at own risk and account.
20.4 Organisation will under no circumstances refund the purchase price of tokens at the end of Event. The tokens are also not redeemable for cash or new tokens.

Article 21: Force majeure

21.1 Force majeure is defined as force majeure in the broadest sense, which in this context includes disease and/or revocation of the artist(s), as well as (work) strikes, lockouts, work stoppages, war, danger of war, terrorism or threat thereof, civil war, riots, natural disasters, exceeding the delivery time by suppliers of goods or services, transport problems whether or not as a result of a shortage of means of transport or government measures, fire and other serious disturbances at the company of Organisation, bad weather conditions, situations that are the result of loss of permits or waivers, the circumstance that the supplier(s) and/or (sub)contractor(s) of Organisation do not fulfil their obligations or do not do so in timely fashion, loss, damage or theft of the Organisation’s essential amenities and/or property, import or trade restrictions, etc.
21.2 Bad weather conditions are defined as the (impending) presence of heavy winds, thunderstorms, whirlwinds, extreme precipitation (rain, hail or snow) or other weather conditions that affect public order or the safety of people and/or property.

Article 22: (Partially) move or cancel event

22.1 Organisation may, in the event of force majeure within the meaning of these general terms and conditions, (partially) move or (partially) cancel Event.
22.2 If Event is (partially) moved or cancelled, Organisation will publish this circumstance as much as possible in the way it considers appropriate. In the case of complete cancellation, Organisation is only held to refund the price of admission at the request of Visitor, but not the booking or administration fees.
22.3 The refund will only be made within a reasonable time after the date of the cancelled Event, when Visitor provides a valid Ticket, as determined and announced by Organisation (or the party who processes the payment of the Ticket for the Event) through the channels announced by Organisation.

Article 23: Programme

Organisation will strive carry out the announced programme in accordance with the announced timetable as far as possible. However, Organisation is not liable for defects in this timetable and the resulting damage to visitors and/or third parties.

Article 24: Other rules

24.1 Visitor is obliged to adhere to the rules, internal regulations, any amendments to them and the instructions of Organisation, operators of the location of Event, the transport company of the shuttle bus, the security personnel, firefighters, police and other authorised parties.
24.2 Specific rules may apply on site or location of an Event which will be announced or made public. If possible the rules will also be published on the website prior to Event.
24.3 It is prohibited to carry property or belongings of the Organisation out from the event site; this includes remnants of food and beverages. In case of damage to our property or the property of the Organisation, you are liable for the repair, replacement and/or renovation costs.

Article 25: Sanctions

25.1 Visitor who in any way breaches the provisions of this chapter, other house rules or rules of conduct and instructions of Organisation, operators of the location of Event, security personnel, firefighters, police and other authorised parties may be refused access or removed from (any part of) the location of Event by the latter parties without prior notice or be handed over to the police.
25.2 When Visitor is in breach of the provisions of this chapter and other house rules and/or rules of conduct, Visitor loses any claim to a refund of the price paid by Visitor for the Ticket and any claim to compensation. In addition, Visitor cannot under any circumstances hold Organisation liable for any damage as a result of a circumstance alleging a violation of the provisions in this chapter and other house rules and/or rules of conduct (partly) caused by Visitor.

Chapter 4: Conditions for services or products provided by third parties

Article 26: Payment of e-tickets

If Visitor purchases an electronic version of a Ticket for an Event, the payment for this product will typically be handled by a third party, enabled by Organisation. This third party uses their own general conditions related to Visitor as the purchaser of the Ticket, of which these conditions, as well as these general terms and conditions of Organisation, will apply to the agreement concerning the Ticket.

Article 27: Offers from exhibitors at an Event

Visitor can buy products or services offered by third parties/exhibitors at Event, such as foods, beverages or merchandise. Although these exhibitors are chosen by Organisation with care, they are no party to an agreement between Visitor and such third party. Organisation is under no circumstances liable for damages resulting from the purchase by Visitor of a product or service at a third party/exhibitor at the location of Event.

Chapter 5: Final Provisions

Article 28: Rules

To the extent that Visitor does not fully and/or timely meet the rules of conduct, Organisation may, depending on the specific circumstances, suspend its obligations, break the contract without being liable for any compensation, or demand specific actions.

Article 29: Information on the Website

Although Organisation devotes a lot of care and attention to providing information on their Website, no guarantees can be given with regard to the nature and content of the information.

Article 30: Liability for information

30.1 Organisation is under no circumstances responsible towards Visitor or third parties for errors, (limited) information or details on a Website, except in the case of gross negligence or wilful misconduct towards Visitor. Organisation, its affiliates or third parties who are involved in the implementation of a service or agreement will under no circumstances be liable for any damages, costs, loss of profit, loss, consequential loss, loss of privacy or loss of information for direct or indirect use or operation of the Website.
30.2 In view of factors online which Organisation has no control over or could not reasonably exert control over, Organisation expressly cannot guarantee Visitor that the Website, parts thereof or associated features will function flawlessly or always function according to the description or are available for use. The same applies to the operation of the server that is used by Organisation. In view of factors the following may be considered. The (quality of) internet connection, the presence of hyperlinks to (unknown) websites of third parties, possible attacks by hackers or others, viruses, bugs or other errors or defects.

Article 31: Substitute clause

If and to the extent that any provision of these terms and conditions is in conflict with the law, this will not affect the other provisions of these terms and conditions. The provision in question will cease to exist and be substituted by a legal provision that is as close as possible to the content, scope and nature of the original provision.

Article 32: Governing law and jurisdiction

32.1 Dutch law is applicable to the agreement and terms and conditions.
32.2 The Court of Amsterdam shall have jurisdiction to hear disputes relating to the agreement and terms and conditions.

Köpvillkor Intents Festival

Applies to Intents Festival

General terms and conditions of Intents Events / Visitors
1. definitions
1.1. “Event”: every activity organised by the Organisation such as music festivals, catering, festivals,
parades and (festival) camping sites, all this in the broadest sense of the word.
1.2. ”Visitor”: every natural person or legal entity who has bought or has acquired an Admission
Ticket for an Event organised by the Organisation and every person who wishes to have access
(and/or has gained access) to an Event.
1.3. “Site”: the area where the Event takes place, including all buildings, (whether or not covered),
spaces, fields, squares, etc., also including the parking spaces and access routes.
1.4. “Admission ticket” or “Admission tickets”: a (digital) document (such as a barcode provided
by or on behalf of the Organisation), with which the Visitor can acquire access to a specifically
named Event or part thereof.
1.5. “Coins”: coins issued by the Organisation which Visitors can purchase for an amount
determined by the Organisation, and which can be used as a means of payment during the
Event at the places designated for this purpose by the Organisation.
1.6. “Camping site”: a specific part of the site designated by the Organisation for this purpose,
where the Visitor, who has purchased an Admission Ticket for this purpose, may stay and stay
overnight during the Event.
1.7. “Accommodation”: a specific part of the Site designated by the Organisation for the Visitor to
temporarily stay during the Event, whether or not with a specific facility for the Visitor (e.g.:
camping pitch for friends, festitents, festeepees, KarTents (cardboard tents), group tents,
flexotels). If that location is equipped with further facilities (such as a tent and or inventory),
Accommodation shall also include those facilities.
1.8. “Organisation”: Intents Events, with its registered office in Oisterwijk (Ch. of Comm.: 71581677)
and also the legal entities/natural persons that are charged with the organisation of an Event on
its behalf.
2. applicability
2.1. These general terms and conditions apply to – and form an integral part of – every offer and
every agreement with regard to the services or products of whatsoever nature to be delivered to
the Visitor by the Organisation, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
2.2. These general terms and conditions also apply to agreements that are concluded with, or as the
case may be through (or by means of brokerage activities of), the official (advance) sale
addresses designated for this purpose by the Organisation.
2.3. These general terms and conditions also apply during the Event and to all (further) agreements
the Visitor concludes with the Organisation (such as the purchase of Coins, drink and food and
merchandise and/or an Admission Ticket for Accommodation).
2.4. These general terms and conditions can also be consulted (and saved) on the Event’s website
and are placed for perusal at the entrance to the Event.
2.5. Internal rules also apply to an Event. The internal rules can be consulted on the website of the
Event concerned and are placed for perusal at the entrance to the Event. The Visitor hereby
expressly declares to agree to the internal rules and also declares that he/she will behave in
conformity with these internal rules.
2.6. Manifest errors or mistakes in the offers of the Organisation shall release it from its obligation to
perform and/or any obligations to pay compensation resulting therefrom, even after the
conclusion of the agreement.
2.7. If a Visitor also orders an Admission Ticket or Admission Tickets for third parties, he declares
that he or she is authorised to accept these general terms and conditions on behalf of those
third parties and to inform such third parties of the applicability of these general terms and
3. ticketing
3.1. The agreement between the Organisation and the Visitor comes into effect (1) at the time when
the Visitor buys or obtains one or more Admission Tickets from the Organisation or from one of
the official (advance) sale address designated by the Organisation for this purpose, or (2) by
submitting or showing an Admission Ticket by a person who wishes to acquire access to the
3.2. A Visitor may not amend or dissolve an agreement concluded, unless mandatory legal
provisions would accord him such right.
3.3. The Organisation reserves the right at all times to refuse acceptance of entering into an
agreement with the Visitor or to terminate an agreement if there are reasonable grounds for
doing so (e.g. if a Visitor has been denied access to Events due to previous circumstances), or
to attach additional conditions to access to the Event.
3.4. The Organisation provides the Visitor with a one-off Admission Ticket or the Admission Tickets
for the Event concerned in a manner to be determined by the Organisation (for example by
email). The Visitor declares to have the possession of proper resources (such as a printer) in
order to be able to physically show the Admission Ticket at the entrance of the Event.
3.5. The Organisation may declare a further procedure applicable which the Visitor must complete
following payment of an Admission Ticket in order to validate or receive the Admission Ticket.
This procedure may include, for example, that the Visitor must provide the name/names of the
Visitors before being issued with the Admission Tickets. The Organisation may also require that
this procedure be completed by a specified date prior to the Event. Visitors will fully cooperate in
this respect.
3.6. The providing of an Admission Ticket gives one person a one-off right to access to the Event.
3.7. Only the holder of the Admission Ticket in whose name it is registered and who first shows the
Admission Ticket at the Event will gain access to the Event. The Organisation will not be obliged
(but will be entitled) to conduct further inspection with respect to the Admission Tickets
regarding whether or not the holder thereof is also the rightful owner.
3.8. The Admission Ticket shall only give access to the parts of the Site and/or Event as expressly
stated by the Organisation and/or on that Admission Ticket.
3.9. The Visitor must personally ensure that he/she becomes and remains the holder of the
Admission Ticket provided by the Organisation, or by an (advance) sale address engaged by
the Organisation. From the time that the Admission Ticket has been made available to the
Visitor the risk of loss, theft, damage or misuse of the Admission Ticket will be vested in the
4. prohibition of resale
4.1. The Visitor is prohibited from, without the express written permission from the Organisation,
selling (reselling) Admission Tickets for an Event, offering these for sale and/or providing these
to third parties for, or in the context of, commercial purposes. Commercial purposes mean every
sale whereby the seller receives a higher amount for the Admission Ticket than the lowest of the
following two amounts: (1) the amount paid by the Visitor for the Admission Ticket, or (2) the
price set by the Organisation for those tickets. If the aforesaid has been contravened, the
Organisation shall be entitled to declare the Admission Ticket invalid without the Organisation
being obliged to refund any amount paid.
4.2. The Organisation may attach further conditions to an authorised resale. These conditions may,
for example, consist of a mandatory procedure to be completed to effect the transfer. The
Organisation may charge reasonable costs for this.
4.3. In the event of breach of this article the Organisation will be entitled to refuse access to the
Event to the buyer of the Admission Ticket and to recover all ensuing damage from the Visitor.
5. access to the Event
5.1. Only an original, valid, unused and undamaged Admission Ticket will give access to the Event.
5.2. The Organisation may decide to provide the Visitor with an item (such as a wrist band), as a
result of which it will be transparent if and to what the Visitor concerned has access, hereinafter
referred to as the “ID-means”. The Visitor expressly declares to provide his/her cooperation to
this. The Visitor must at all times during the Event and on the Site carry the ID-means in the
manner stated and is not permitted to break any seal. In the event of breaking and/or loss of this
seal, the ID-means will lose its validity and the Visitor may be removed from the Site and denied
further access.
5.3. During the visit to the Site the Visitor will strictly follow instructions from the Organisation’s
employees present there, as well as members of third parties engaged (such as security
guards) and members of the police, fire service, municipal health service or other competent
5.4. The Visitor may upon or before the entering of the Site, on the Site and also during the Event be
body searched and items (such as bags or a tent) brought by him/her may be searched. The
Visitor expressly agrees to this and will always and immediately cooperate. The Organisation
shall determine the manner in which such searching shall reasonably take place, for example by
security guards, detection gates and/or in another manner. If the Visitor were to refuse
cooperation to this the Visitor will be denied access to the Site.
5.5. To acquire access to the Event and/or the Site the Visitor must be in the possession of a valid
proof of identity (passport, identity card or driving licence), which must be shown on request.
5.6. The minimum age for access to the Event is 17 years, unless stated otherwise.
5.7. Access to the Event is possible from the opening time until the closing time. Both times are set
out on the Admission Ticket and/or the Event’s website. The closing time is not necessarily also
the end time of the Event.
5.8. The Organisation may decide to close certain parts of the Site (such as certain or several
stages or certain dining venues) for certain periods of time or to keep open only to certain
Visitors. In that case, Visitors are not allowed to enter those parts of the Site.
5.9. Partly due to security concerns, it is not possible to temporarily leave the Site after arrival,
except for if the Organisation were to expressly agree thereto. The Organisation may attach
conditions to such agreement.
5.10. The Visitor shall only be permitted to carry the following items at the time of entering the Site,
unless stated otherwise in the internal rules of the Event concerned or unless more items are
permitted with regard to certain parts of the Site:
allowed (for personal use)

clothing, shoes, poncho, (sun) glasses, lenses, cap;
mobile phone and power bank;
keys, wallet;
sun screen in tube of up to 100 ml.;
medicines (including nasal spray and products related to hay fever), hereinafter
referred to as ”Medicines”;
lip balm;
small (< 25 cm) and empty water pistol; hearing protection (earplugs); cigarettes and lighter; poncho; Items other than those referred to above are not permitted, hereinafter "Non-permitted items". Without attempting to present an exhaustive list of Non-permitted items, the following is a list of some items that are not permitted: examples of Non-permitted items food and drink (except chewing gum for personal use); glassware, sharp objects, umbrellas, firearms, laser pens; narcotics and any substances that can affect one’s mood (drugs: including nitrous oxide or ‘laughing gas’; pets; liquids such as (spray cans with) deodorant, lighter gas and perfume; clothing with discriminatory (such as nationalistic and/or racist), offensive and/or threatening signs or expressions and also clothing with signs or club expressions (such as football shirts); professional photo, film and other recording equipment and selfie sticks; A Visitor who carries one or more Non-permitted items with him/her during the access control will be refused access to the Event, without any right to a refund. If a Visitor has already entered the Site and one or more Non-permitted items are found on a Visitor, the Organisation may remove that Visitor from the Site (without any right to a refund) and also deny access to future Events. In addition, the Organisation may also take possession of prohibited items by law or statutory regulation, with the aim of handing them over to the police. 5.11. It is only permitted to bring medicines to the Event if: - the Medicines are still in the original and sealed packaging; and - are provided with the original patient information leaflet; and - it can be demonstrated why these medicines must be taken. If the aforesaid conditions are not fulfilled - or the Organisation has reasons to doubt the substances/medicines - the Organisation will be entitled to refuse the Visitor access to the Event without any right to compensation. If the Visitor wishes to obtain access, he shall be obliged to hand over the medicines to the Organisation, without the Organisation being obliged to compensation of the (value of these) medicines, and to deposit the medicines in the container intended for this purpose. 6. Coins 6.1. During Events and on the Site payments can only be made with Coins bought from the Organisation, unless otherwise stated by the Organisation. Coins are and remain the property of the Organisation. 6.2. Coins can be bought prior to the Event as well as on the Site. 6.3. Every version of every Event has its own Coins which are only valid during that version of the Event. Bought Coins cannot be returned and are not exchangeable for money. 6.4. The Visitor is prohibited from selling (on) Coins. 7. obligations of the Visitor 7.1. There are toilet facilities present on the Site. These are accessible free of charge, unless stated otherwise. The Visitor is obliged to use these facilities. Defecating or urinating in places other than the toilet facilities is strictly prohibited. 7.2. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor/covered locations on the Site. 7.3. Throwing drinks or objects is prohibited. 7.4. Besides entry to the Event, Visitors can buy or receive extra’s, such as free drinks or food or entry to parts of the Terrain that are prohibited to other Visitors. Visitors are prohibited to give items that provide them access to those extra’s (such as a wrist band), and/or those extra’s, to others. 7.5. Taking away or damaging property belonging to the Organisation or third parties is prohibited. Taking away or damaging property belonging to the Organisation is considered to be theft or destruction. This will be reported to the police. 7.6. The Visitor is prohibited from behaving in such a manner that the order of the Event or its surroundings is disrupted or to cause inconvenience there (e.g. by committing criminal offences). 7.7. Selling goods on or around the Site prior to, during and after the Event is prohibited without the express permission in writing from the Organisation. Advertising in the broadest sense of the word is prohibited on or around or in the vicinity of the Site prior to, during and after the Event, without the express written permission from the Organisation. This prohibition concerns inter alia advertising of other events or matters. Every form of advertising (such as by distributing flyers or stickers, hanging up posters or approaching Visitors) is prohibited. A financial penalty of at least € 1,000 will be imposed on the Visitor who acts contrary to this article or has given instructions for this purpose, without prejudice to the right of the Organisation to claim compensation of the actually suffered damage. 7.8. Visitors under the age of 18 years are prohibited from buying, carrying, drinking and/or trying to acquire the possession of alcoholic drinks. 7.9. The Visitor, regardless of his or her age, is not allowed to provide alcoholic beverages (against payment or free of charge) to a person who has not yet reached the age of 18. 7.10. The Organisation has the right to remove Visitors who act contrary to one or more provisions of this article from the Site without the Organisation being obliged to refund the admission fee and the Organisation shall be entitled to refuse the Visitor access to future Events. Moreover, the Visitor shall be obliged to compensate the Organisation in full for any fines imposed on the Organisation in connection with his or her actions. 8. Camping Site and Accommodation Camping Site 8.1. The agreement between the Organisation and the Visitor for the use of a spot on the Camping Site is concluded in accordance with article 3 of these general terms and conditions, in those cases where the Visitor has also purchased and paid for a specific Admission Ticket for the Camping Site. 8.2. Access to the Camping Site is restricted to a Visitor who has purchased an Admission Ticket, which also gives him/her access to that part of the Site. 8.3. Upon first entry of the Visitor to the Camping Site, a part of the Site is assigned to him/her where he/she can pitch his/her tent. This allocation shall, unless otherwise decided by the Organisation, take place in order of arrival. Therefore, if a Visitor wishes to set up his tent next to or near specific other Visitors, he must arrive at the same time as the other Visitor(s). 8.4. After having been assigned a place on the Camping Site, it is not possible to change location. 8.5. It is not allowed to stay with more persons in a tent than specified by the manufacturer of the tent, provided that never more than 8 persons may stay in one tent. 8.6. For (1) access to the Camping Site, (2) access from other parts of the Site to the Camping Site and (3) access from the Camping Site to other parts of the Site, access control will always take place in a manner similar to that described for access to the Event, as set out in these general terms and conditions. 8.7. To the extent that Visitors visiting the Camping Site may carry more items than described in these general terms and conditions, the Organisation will make this known. However, in that case these items to be specified shall only be allowed on the Camping Site and not on other parts of the Site. 8.8. The Visitor is required to observe the Camping Site's internal rules and regulations. The internal rules can be consulted on the website of the Event concerned and are placed for perusal at the entrance to the Event. The Visitor hereby expressly declares to agree to the internal rules and also declares that he/she will behave in conformity with these internal rules. 8.9. The Organisation is not liable for theft, destruction, loss or damage to the property of the Visitor. This is one of the reasons why the Organisation gives urgent advice not to carry any valuable items with you and/or to leave them on the Camping Site. 8.10. If the Event ends, if the agreed period of use has expired or if the Visitor is denied access to the Site or parts thereof, the right to use a place on the Camping Site shall also end without the Organisation being liable to pay any compensation. 8.11. The Visitor is not permitted to allow third parties to use the Camping Site against payment and/or to offer goods or services for sale from the Camping Site. 8.12. In case of early departure on the initiative of the Visitor, there shall be no right to a refund. Accommodation 8.13. The agreement between the Organisation and the Visitor for the use of Accommodation is concluded in accordance with article 3 of these general terms and conditions, in those cases where the Visitor has also purchased and paid for a specific Admission Ticket for Accommodation. 8.14.A Visitor who has booked Accommodation (including any fellow users of said Accommodation) must also have a valid Admission Ticket (weekend ticket, including access to the Camping Site) for the Event and a valid identity card in order to enter/use the Accommodation. Upon arrival at the Camping Site of the Event, visitors will receive access to the Accommodation designated by the Organisation upon submission of the Admission Ticket for the Accommodation. 8.15. The Organisation determines the location of the Accommodation on the Site. 8.16. If the Visitor wishes to cancel the Accommodation for any reason whatsoever, a request to that effect must be made in writing to the Organisation. If a written cancellation has been received: 8.16.1. at a time that is more than 3 months before the Event takes place, the Visitor is entitled to a full refund of the costs charged for the Accommodation (excluding other costs); 8.16.2. at a time that is more than 1 month before but less than 3 months before the Event takes place, the Visitor is entitled to a refund of 50% of the costs charged for the Accommodation (excluding other costs); 8.16.3. at a time that is less than 1 months before the Event takes place, the Visitor is not entitled to any refund of the costs charged; Only the costs paid directly for the Accommodation will be refunded. Other amounts paid, such as for other Admission Tickets (such as weekend tickets, including Camping Site access) or handling or administration fees, will not be refunded. 8.17. The Visitor is not permitted to admit more persons to the Accommodation than the maximum number prescribed by the Organisation. 8.18. The Visitor is responsible for the Accommodation, shall keep the Accommodation in the state in which it is made available to him/her and shall be liable for any damage to or loss of the Accommodation. Smoking and fire are not permitted in the Accommodation. 8.19. The Visitor will use and treat the Accommodation rented/used by him/her in accordance with its intended purpose and shall generally take care of it, as befits a good and careful tenant/user. The Visitor is obliged to notify the Organisation forthwith of any defect or loss of the Accommodation. 8.20. The Organisation is permitted to inspect the Accommodation, also during the Event and Visitors will fully cooperate in this respect. 8.21. The Organisation shall not be liable for loss or theft of the Accommodation or damage to the Accommodation, nor for items that the Visitor has left behind in the Accommodation, even if third parties (thus not the Organisation and/or the Visitor) were liable for that possible loss, theft or damage. This is one of the reasons why the Organisation gives urgent advice not to leave any valuable items unattended in the Accommodation. 8.22. If the Event ends, if the agreed period of use has expired or if the Visitor is denied access to the Site or parts thereof, the right to use the Accommodation shall also end without the Organisation being liable to pay any compensation. 8.23. The Visitor is not permitted to allow third parties to use the Accommodation against payment and/or to offer goods or services for sale from the Accommodation. 8.24. In case of early departure on the initiative of the Visitor, there shall be no right to a refund. 9. media and media equipment 9.1. Photo and film recordings can be made during the Event on the instructions of (or with accreditation from) the Organisation. The Visitor expressly agrees to image and/or sound recordings being made of the visitors (and therefore also possibly of the Visitor) of the Event, on and around the Site, and that these will be disseminated or utilised through all possible forms of media. 9.2. The Visitor is permitted to bring photographic equipment intended for consumer use to the Site during the Event and to make use of this equipment. Photographic equipment intended for consumer use is taken to mean: digital compact cameras (with normal and fixed lenses), telephones with photo cameras and disposable cameras. It is not permitted to bring professional photographic equipment or accessories (such as a (telescopic) tripod; including, for example, a GoPro Telescoping Pole). Bringing film cameras is also prohibited. Whether or not equipment is regarded as prohibited as referred to in this article will be exclusively at the assessment of the Organisation. If you are uncertain whether or not the photographic equipment that you wish to bring is permitted, please contact the Organisation by email prior to the Event. In the event that a Visitor makes use of the prohibited equipment on the Site, the Organisation shall be entitled to take one or more of the following measures (at the discretion of the Organisation): a) remove the Visitor who has acted contrary to this provision from the Site without the Organisation being obliged to refund entry fees; and/or b) to temporarily take the equipment into safekeeping against payment until: the Event has ended or a time to be specified if the Organisation has reasonable grounds for doing so; and/or c) temporarily take the equipment into safekeeping until it has been demonstrated by the Visitor that all recordings and possible copies thereof have been deleted. 9.3. Professional (press) photographers and/or persons who wish to take photographs or make film recordings of an Event for commercial reasons must be in possession of a valid accreditation from the Organisation. 9.4. Any reprinting and/or copying of the programme (booklet), posters, other printed matter and/or digital expressions of the Organisation or the Event is prohibited without the explicit prior written consent from the Organisation. 9.5. The Organisation shall be authorised to inspect whether any action has been taken in violation of the aforementioned articles and shall also have the authority to seize and/or destroy any recordings. 10. force majeure 10.1. In the event of force majeure the Organisation will have the right to cancel the Event, wholly or in part, or to postpone the Event to another date. 10.2. The concept 'force majeure' as referred to in this article also includes all unforeseen circumstances arisen through no fault or actions on the part of the Organisation such as; cancellation by artist(s), fire, strike action, bad weather conditions, etc. 10.3. If the Event is cancelled in full as a result of or related to force majeure before the Event has commenced, the Organisation will refund the purchase amount of the Admission Ticket (excluding fees). The Visitor cannot make any claim with regard to the Organisation to any payment (of compensation) except for the refund of the purchase amount. Refund will only be proceeded with after the return of an original, valid and undamaged Admission Ticket by the Visitor to the Organisation. In other cases, there is no entitlement to a refund. 11. liability 11.1. The Visitor is a consumer: The liability of the Organisation is limited to compensation of direct damage, whereby the amount to be paid to the Visitor will never amount to more than the amount that the Organisation’s insurer pays in the case concerned. The Organisation will never be liable for indirect damage, including consequential loss, lost profit, lost savings and loss due to business interruption. 11.2. The Visitor is a natural person or legal entity who acts in the exercise of a profession or company: the Organisation is exclusively liable for damage suffered by the Visitor, if and insofar as this damage is the direct result of intention or wilful recklessness on the part of the management the Organisation. In that event the liability will be limited to compensation of direct damage to a maximum of the amount that the Organisation’s insurer pays in the case concerned. 11.3.Entering the Site and visiting the Event takes place entirely at one's own risk. Safes are available on the Site for storage of valuables - whether or not for payment - unless stated otherwise. The use of a safe is entirely at one's own risk. The Organisation is not liable for damage or theft of the Visitor’s possessions. 11.4. The use of the Organisation's transport services by the Visitor, including but not limited to shuttle buses used by the Organisation or at the request of the Organisation, shall also be entirely at the risk of the Visitor. 11.5. The Visitor declares to be aware that loud music will be played during the Event. The Visitor is personally responsible for taking hearing protective measures as required. The Organisation advises the Visitor to give his/her hearing a rest from time to time during the Event by going to a space or place where less loud music is played and to at all times wear hearing protection. 11.6.Amendments of, or derogations from, the programme which take place after the purchase of the Admission Ticket do not give any right to revocation of the purchase (for example by means of termination or annulment) and therefore also not to (partial) refund of the purchase amount. 11.7. The Organisation is not responsible for the manner in which artists/acts perform their contribution to the Event. 12. termination 12.1. The Organisation always has the right to terminate the agreement with the Visitor wholly or in part. Termination means in that case that the order of Admission Tickets is cancelled. Tickets already purchased will no longer be valid from that time. In the event of cancellation of an order, the full purchase amount (excluding the fee paid by the Visitor) will be refunded to the Visitor. The Visitor cannot make any claim to any payment (of compensation) except for the refund of the purchase amount. If an order is cancelled after the Visitor has been provided with an Admission Ticket, the refund of the purchase amount will only be proceeded with after the return of an original, valid and undamaged Admission Ticket by the Visitor. 13. violation of these general terms and conditions, internal rules or other rules 13.1. If the Visitor acts contrary to the agreement (including these general terms and conditions), internal rules or other rules, the Visitor may, inter alia, be removed from the Site, without the Organisation being obliged to refund the admission fee, and denied further access. Such denial of access may also apply to future events of the Organisation. In addition, the Visitor will be liable for all damage ensuing from his/her actions. The Visitor is obliged to pay an amount of at least € 150,00 to the Organisation, even if the actual damage that is suffered by the Organisation were less. 14. personal data and privacy 14.1. The Organisation processes personal data of Visitors and of Visitors to its websites in accordance with the law. 15. registration Event by or on behalf of the Organisation 15.1. The Organisation is permitted to take pictures and make sound recordings of the Event, the Visitor and other visitors. By visiting the Event, the Visitor expressly agrees to this. The Organisation shall be entitled to exploit and/or reproduce and/or publish or cause to publish these images and/or sound recordings in whatever form and in whatever manner, in the broadest sense of the word. By entering into the agreement and/or accessing the Event, the Visitor grants unconditional permission to make the said recordings, including processing, publication and exploitation thereof, without the Organisation being liable to pay any fee to the Visitor. 15.2. Insofar as the Visitor has any rights (including neighbouring and/or copyright and/or portrait rights) in respect of the aforementioned recordings, the Visitors hereby transfer these rights in advance and without any restriction to the Organisation and the Visitor hereby irrevocably waives his/her personality rights, or at least the Visitor will not invoke them. In the event that this transfer is not legally valid in advance, the Visitor will be obliged, upon first request of the Organisation, to grant the necessary written permission and/or to sign a transfer deed in which the said rights will still be transferred to the Organisation and/or to an affiliated company. 16. concluding provisions 16.1. Dutch law applies exclusively to these general terms and conditions. 16.2. These general terms and conditions are drawn up in Dutch and translated into English. In the event of any inconsistency between the Dutch version and the English translation, the Dutch version will be exclusively binding. 16.3. The Breda District Court has exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine disputes that are directly or indirectly related to any agreement or legal act to which these general terms and conditions apply. 16.4. Insofar as the courts designated in these terms and conditions, in the event of an agreement with a Visitor who is a consumer, has no territorial jurisdiction, the Visitor will be entitled within one month from the Organisation relying in writing on this article to choose adjudication of the dispute by the court with territorial jurisdiction in accordance with the law. 16.5. For disputes with the Organisation, the Visitor may also go to the Online Dispute Resolution Platform of the European Commission http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. [/av_toggle] [/av_toggle_container] [/av_three_fifth][av_one_fifth min_height='' vertical_alignment='' space='' custom_margin='' margin='0px' padding='0px' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' background_color='' src='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-kdoqbv'] [/av_one_fifth][/av_cell_one_full][/av_layout_row]