Interview with Patrik
Patrik ”Putte” Persson
Age: 26
Position: Chief Operating Officer
Attended events: 60
Hi Patrik! What a year you’ve had with Coretours, but how many events have you actually attended? How many this year?
Yes, it’s been a really good year! Coretours have had more new travellers than ever before and I’ve met so many great travellers during the tours. Freaqshow will be my 60th event and this year I’ve attended 17 event – some of the private and some of them with Coretours.
Which event was your absolute favourite this year and why?
It is hard to choose only one, but I think I have to say Intents festival. Mostly because I had absolutely no expectations and when we arrived it was so freaking awesome. The weather was great, the line-up was insane, we were such a nice group of people and everything was really awesome!
Can you describe how it is to work at Coretours?
Even if it is hard work with long hours and many busy weekends, it is worth it all the time. I meet so much new, exciting people and get to have very variable work. The best thing is the feeling of being able to give people the best thing I know – an amazing pre-party at the bus before entering another event.
What is your plan for the future of Coretours?
My plan for Coretours is to keep on going with least as many events as before, but still increase the numbers of travellers within every tour. I love that we have been able to have all these big tours this year. The atmosphere there is something extraordinary. Personally, I do also want to invest in the stage here in Sweden and together with F2D keep on doing work like Hardbeach.
And at last – what can we expect of the New Year celebration at Freaqshow?
Freaqshow is one of the very best parties of them all – maybe not thanks to the line-up or the stage – but to the atmosphere. Q-dance knows what they are doing and how to deliver the best New Years’ Eve. And with the Coretours crew in charge of your tour, it could only be awesome!
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